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182 Badge

  Astra VXR 17/05/07

As far as i know Renault dont do them but no doubt somebody out there will knock one up.

As an alternative you could always buy a Blink 182 badge and tipex out the Blink :p

Take that photo to a sign printer near you and ask them to make it. You could always PM sbmbailey on these boards, he has his own business and I am sure he could sort this out with any problems at all.


  911 GTS Cab

Quote: Originally posted by Neil82cup on 07 June 2004

Quote: Originally posted by dave182 on 05 June 2004

I have just got a cup badge on the rear of mine which I prefer.

Why have you got a Cup badge on the back?
i am not entering into this discussion with you Neil

Quote: Originally posted by Neil82cup on 07 June 2004

Quote: Originally posted by dave182 on 05 June 2004

I have just got a cup badge on the rear of mine which I prefer.

Why have you got a Cup badge on the back?
why does it matter?? Anybody who knows enough about cars to recognise a 182 is going to know that its not a proper Cup. For the rest of the people who dont know what a 182 is, its just going to look like a silly little silver badge stuck to the back.... either way it doesnt make any odds.


  911 GTS Cab

Quote: Originally posted by lagerlout1 on 07 June 2004

Quote: Originally posted by Neil82cup on 07 June 2004

Quote: Originally posted by dave182 on 05 June 2004

I have just got a cup badge on the rear of mine which I prefer.

Why have you got a Cup badge on the back?
why does it matter?? Anybody who knows enough about cars to recognise a 182 is going to know that its not a proper Cup. For the rest of the people who dont know what a 182 is, its just going to look like a silly little silver badge stuck to the back.... either way it doesnt make any odds.
while I said I wasnt going to entertain the comment I do take offence to that, it actually looks like standard spec and doesnt look silly and stuck on, its a proper renault badge and looks that way. You havent seen it so cant really comment.

Whether I should have it on there is another argument and I will happily argue my corner to death if anybody would like to PM me, just not willing to do it on the forum.

Hey, Im not arguing whether or not you should have it there. I dont give a flying f**k!! Its your car, do with it as you please!!

BTW, I have seen it. On your car and many others. Its just my opinion. And Im entitled to it. If you want to badge your car up as something its not, feel free.......;)
  225 & Audi S4

but l love it people have their choice to put on their car no matter how good or no good it depends on their style l like to see different thing on clio


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

I think a bit of respect is needed here.

Plus you all need to calm down its a badge for godsake, its not like he burned your houses down.

Yes i have a 182, but im not biased in anyway shape or form.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Oi! down boy!

I dont care if you are right, thats just winding the cheapskates up.




How many Cup owners purchased the car for what it is?:

How many purchased it because its cheaper?:

I only know of a few members who have answered this one honestly.

  Clio v6

182, Cup ? Whatever. Its only a silly wee car whos going to be bothered what you call it?

Dont let it rule your life people. Popranonol anyone?

Quote: Originally posted by Lee M on 07 June 2004


How many Cup owners purchased the car for what it is?:

How many purchased it because its cheaper?:

I only know of a few members who have answered this one honestly.


Ive said this before if the 172 and Cup had cost the same Id have still bought the Cup. If you chose a 172 over a Cup you will never understand why.:p
  Trophy 263 + 265

thats my badges alright.

cost £5 for the 3 of them

can get them in any colour you want.


p.s. im with you dave i would have had the cup badge if i had gotten the 182 cup i ordered.


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed

I bought the cup, because I liked the look of it, and I couldnt get the 172 standard in Mondial blue...I admit I would like Alcantara trim, but then I also like the appeal of the cup, its a toy without any of the luxuries/necessities (delete as appropriate) Its not meant to be a standard 172 and the standard 172 is not a cup. Its each to their own, and both sides will have their pros and cons. I didnt buy the cup as a cheaper option, I bought it as an option which I felt suited me better.

Quote: Originally posted by clio182 on 07 June 2004

thats my badges alright.

cost £5 for the 3 of them

can get them in any colour you want.


p.s. im with you dave i would have had the cup badge if i had gotten the 182 cup i ordered.

There is no 182 Cup unfortunately (one might get released soon though)


  911 GTS Cab

Quote: Originally posted by Neil82cup on 07 June 2004

Quote: Originally posted by clio182 on 07 June 2004

thats my badges alright.

cost £5 for the 3 of them

can get them in any colour you want.


p.s. im with you dave i would have had the cup badge if i had gotten the 182 cup i ordered.

There is no 182 Cup unfortunately (one might get released soon though)
clio182, you rattled his cage, I told you not the feed the animals!

and if there is no such thing as a 182 cup then why did i waste £350 of my money giving my car better handling and looks than the 172 cup with CUP PACKS, not add on packs but CUP PACKS?

I mean, thats all Renault have done to you car, stripped out the 172 and added some cup packs included in the price. Mine is essentially a 172 with a few more horses and the same cup packs added on.

Our cars are essentially the same, mine is just has better handling, better grip, better spec and the same pedigree, the renault cup race series to which both of out cars are related.

I have no problem with the cup, it is a fantastic car, but get over yourself, it is not as special as you make out, its no williams! Its just another model in a long list and has been bettered now, are you under some illusion that you car will never be bettered or something, keep dreamin boy.

In a year or twos time there will be a replacement to mine, I am not going to try and argue that mine is still better, the idea is that cars evolve and get better, thats how car manufacturers make money by getting people to buy the new improved model.

I will just buy that new model rather than arguing all the time. People have reasons for going with the 172 cup and i respect those, it just isnt the king anymore thats all, theres a new kid on the block.

Looks like I rattled your cage.

Your 182 even though you have specced it with "Cup" suspension and spoilers does not make it a Cup, accept that fact and move on.
  Astra VXR 17/05/07

How can it be a cup badge if it says 182 ?

Its a badge that says 182 because there is no 182 Cup.If it says 182 Cup then thats another discussion but it doesnt.

What would look nice though would be the door plate.IMO it would look smart if it said 182 instead of 2.0 16v.Also it would look better if it were in anthracite for these who went for the cup suspension option and as it is now for these who prefer standard.It looks out of place in silver against the anthracite alloys.

As I said before its too expensive to be a cup, the mere fact you had to pay for the options doesnt make it a true poor mans 172!


  911 GTS Cab

Quote: Originally posted by Pete_172 on 07 June 2004

As I said before its too expensive to be a cup, the mere fact you had to pay for the options doesnt make it a true poor mans 172!
lol (even though i am angry)


  911 GTS Cab

Quote: Originally posted by Neil82cup on 07 June 2004

Looks like I rattled your cage.

Your 182 even though you have specced it with "Cup" suspension and spoilers does not make it a Cup, accept that fact and move on.
but they are the only extras which are added to a 172 cup, and they are added to my car, so if I wanna call it a cup as it has the same extras then I will, and there is not a single thing you can do about it!
  Astra VXR 17/05/07

Quote: Originally posted by toms_cup on 07 June 2004


anybody else want to join me in saying


we have heard all of this before...who cares.

please move on :sick:
No thank you.

If its boring and i dont care and the only contribution i can make is to say so id rather not post or ignore it.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Why do you bite?

We know the score, we know the facts. no need to justify anything to anyone. Neither car is better than the other in any respect.

you all get so worked up about a little piece of plastic*! its quite sad really! :cry:

*it might be metal, im not sure


  911 GTS Cab

you know I cant let him carry on, he just thinks he can ruin every 182 related thread

might aswell lock this now
  Astra VXR 17/05/07

Im pleased i still have my Ladbrookes account.I have made a bet @2-1 that this thread gets locked.

If you stake £50 they match your bet :p
