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182 got all twitchy on me

  Mondeo STTDCI

Scared me a bit. Was only on the M25, just tonking along at about 70-80 when needed to brake.

I was sat in the middle lane on a very slight bend and needed to get down to about 30-40 so squeezed the brakes and the motor just pulled to the left. Enough to worry me into releasing the brakes....

Really need to get onto a track so I know what the cars gonna do and when and where the limits are so roll on the new year. But surely it shouldnt have done what it did?!


  Arctic 182

I know what you mean. The 182s corner really well, but somehow dont feel as sure footed as the old pugs I used to own (205 1.9GTI and 306XSI). Im also thinking of a track day to get a feel for the limts etc.
  Mondeo STTDCI

Absolutely nowt AFAIK. Well I didnt notice the lights on put it that way.

And I quite often notice the lights when they do come on, most often when Im accelerating around a bend.
  Mondeo STTDCI

I guess it might have been something so silly as the car following tramlines in the road, I dunno.

All I know was that it worried me enough into releasing the brakes then squeezing on them again slowly, the releasing again. I actually thought Id end up in the next lane or worse.
