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182 in magazines

Right just a quickie what new mags has the 182 in? Because Im going to the shop in a bit to get a pile......... did I hear evo, test drive and auto express?

any more for any more?

  Vee dub

Was in loads in the last few months but wer all bored of them now! ;)

Try a few back issues of top gear
  FN2 Type R +MK6 Golf

New evo should be out in a few days....Its got the new aston V8 on the front cover,sort of gold colour and it says on the front about the clio 182 and fiesta

  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4

it is in evo, got it last night, but I am on subscription. vs ford st, cooper s, and something else

Cool Ill look out for evo in a few days. Just picked up test drive with the new astra on the front, its in there.


  911 GTS Cab

Quote: Originally posted by TheJesus on 01 February 2005

there testing the new Clio 202 now anyway, so expect prices to start dropping.
*bites tongue about a dinosaur joke

Quote: Originally posted by dave182 on 01 February 2005

Quote: Originally posted by TheJesus on 01 February 2005

there testing the new Clio 202 now anyway, so expect prices to start dropping.
*bites tongue about a dinosaur joke
bites tongue about resale joke... :p
