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182 ordered and on the way!!

  ClioSport 182

Hi All,

In around 4 weeks time a brand spanking new golden-black 182 Clio will be parked up on my drive way! This forum helped me alot in the choice of this car ... I was umming and arring for weeks about what car to buy.

I didnt go for the Cup suspension, and now I have a nagging doubt that I made the decision a little too quickly. Heres the deal: I had a 2001 S3 (which unfortunately had to go back when I left the company ...) and wasnt too keen on the harsh ride from new. To cut a long story short ... with the Cup suspension is the ride really that harsh?, and this option would be better suited to occasional track day user? Also am I the only one who prefers the silver alloys to the grey ones???!!!

BTW: I live in Spain, and was disappointed to find out that you guys in the UK are getting a better price deal than me!

Hasta pronto!

  Ford Fiesta

not many dont go for the cup suspension, cant recall anyone on here that doesnt have it. Did you go for the spoiler pack? I couldnt as I ordered sat nav unfortunately.

I didnt go for the sus pac cause i didnt like the colour of the alloys. IMO my silver 182 looks better with the non sus pac alloys...........
  7.6cc :D

Quote: Originally posted by KnightAzul on 26 April 2004

Also am I the only one who prefers the silver alloys to the grey ones???!!!
nope, I do too.

Good choice on colour too :)
  ClioSport 182

I didnt go for the spoiler pack either ... basically I was looking for the ultimate "sleeper", a car that looks more a less like a normal car but has a monster hidden under the bonnet and goes like a rocket. Large spoilers tend to give the game away!!


i didnt go for the sus pack either but i am thinking about getting the spoiler pack.

I didnt like the grey alloys, the silver look better.

roll on 26th may carnt wait
  Black Gold 182

Yeah, I too have not gone for the suspension pack, although have had the spoilers put on - this was purely based on the appearance as the grey alloys werent my favourite on the titanium like I have ordered - do look quite good on the black ones though I must say.

Does seem like Renaults Spanish customers have to slightly less to wait for delivery than us here in the UK too!!
  Astra VXR 17/05/07

I did not go for the cup suspension pack either.

The car handles fantastically without it,i prefer the look of the silver alloys as well.

No doubt you will get told many times you should of gone for the suspension but it is fine without it.Im sure one of the magazines tested it without and it still came top of the test.Im sure on a racetrack or pushing the car to extremes there might be a noticeable difference by a skilled driver but i have no intention of pushing the car to the point im out of my depth ( At least i admit it) so for me the car is fine as standard....i love it.I cant stand the look of the grey alloys but thats just my humble opinion.I live out in the country so most of my driving is done on twisty roads and ive never once felt id wished id of gone for the suspension pack,and i do like a play within my limits :D

Im suprised how many others dont like/didnt go for the suspension pack..thought i was all alone !!
  GW Clio 200

I went for the suspension due to the fact that I wanted everything to be identical to my Cup. I dont like the Anthracite Alloys either personally, thats why I have bought a set of Turinis for my 182.

Its horses for coarses and what you say Funk it true, I will not drive like a loon either, but If I didnt get the suspenson pack I would think Im missing out on something that those who did go for it had, if you get my drift...

Anyway, youll enjoy your car either way
  Black Gold 182

.:xTreme:. - have you had to foot the bill for the turinis or did you come to any arrangement with the dealer to exchange them? Would like a total cup looking 182 myself.
  Astra VXR 17/05/07


I admire what you are doing,going for the suspension and changing your alloys to these of your choice.It is a matter of opinion really,i dont doubt the cup suspension handles better but the standard is probably more comfy because its not as firm so it depends what you want.

I did do a post once asking if anyone had actually had a proper drive of the 182 with and without the cup suspension to see the actual difference and had no replies so im assuming people are commenting based on driving either one and not both.Maybe someone has driven both might like to comment ?

It would be interesting to see an opinion and maybe if i can get a proper go of one with cup suspension i could find out the difference.Even if it was amazingly better which i doubt id still stick with my original choice because i prefer the silver alloys and am happy with the less firm ride as standard.Somebody once said you can see a NOTICEABLE difference in height between the two...LMHO we are talking 3mm arnt we ? Sometimes reading comments about the differences you would swear the standard suspension is a pile of doggy doos...which its not !!

I think you have hit the perfect solution though,going for the suspension and sticking on the wheels of your choice...good on ya :D

Its a pity Renault and other car makers dont offer more of a choice when it comes to alloys.They send out letters saying the car is being built to order so offer us more bloody choice !
  GW Clio 200

Quote: Originally posted by Nickyboy on 26 April 2004

.:xTreme:. - have you had to foot the bill for the turinis or did you come to any arrangement with the dealer to exchange them? Would like a total cup looking 182 myself.

No unfortunately I have had to sell my alloys privately and and paying for the Turinis seperately. I am keeping the tyres though for my Turinis :)
  GW Clio 200

Quote: Originally posted by Funkyjahooner on 26 April 2004

I think you have hit the perfect solution though,going for the suspension and sticking on the wheels of your choice...good on ya :D

Its a pity Renault and other car makers dont offer more of a choice when it comes to alloys.They send out letters saying the car is being built to order so offer us more bloody choice !
I totally agree, there should be a little more choice when making a purchase as big as a car. Im sure people would even pay a little xTra if there were more options available as far as styling, but I dont think it should cost any more... surely they can buy several batches of different alloys from different suppliers etc etc....
  Ford Fiesta

do renault dealors charge lots more for if you decided you wanted either the suspension pack or spoilers after you have ordered then car? or can they still do them the same cheap prices as in the brochures?
  GW Clio 200

Quote: Originally posted by Bradfordlad on 26 April 2004

do renault dealors charge lots more for if you decided you wanted either the suspension pack or spoilers after you have ordered then car? or can they still do them the same cheap prices as in the brochures?

Its not an aftersale option, meaning you cannot have it fitted after you have ordered the car

I went for Suspension & Spoiler pack ... like the colour of the alloys they are different i think they look good with artic blue imo

  ClioSport 182

Quote: Originally posted by llamalover on 26 April 2004

Chaval, el 182 es de puta madre con o sin cup supsension. En que parte de España vives?
Tio, vivo en Madrid! Compré el Clio el viernes pasado en el consesionario de Renault cerca de San Blas para 19.150 €, en otras consesionarios era mas cara 20.350, 19.800, etc. Me han dicho que en 4 - 5 semanas lo tendré ...

Apologies to the non-Spanish speaking guys n gals ...

Based on the responses I think Ill stick to my decision with the normal suspension. Thanks for the input ...


Bueno, dentro de 4 - 5 semanas para obtenerlo no es mal. Mejor que aqui. Yo viví en Pamplona hace 3 años.

Que tengas suerte!

Ill stop showing off now......... *ahem* ;)

*leece pretends she knows what their saying and just looks at the post*

i could always write a little dutch ... thats a hard language... useful tool is flem ha ha ;)

Quote: Originally posted by .:xTreme:. on 26 April 2004

I went for the suspension due to the fact that I wanted everything to be identical to my Cup. I dont like the Anthracite Alloys either personally, thats why I have bought a set of Turinis for my 182.

Its horses for coarses and what you say Funk it true, I will not drive like a loon either, but If I didnt get the suspenson pack I would think Im missing out on something that those who did go for it had, if you get my drift...

Anyway, youll enjoy your car either way
.:xTreme:. ....I read on the renaultsport forum from Jeremy that the Turinis may not fit? Maybe i misunderstood his posting.

Anyhow, very interested to know how you get on with fitting them, and of course pictures of the finished article.

I agree with most that the dark alloys suit the black gold colour, but dont look quite right with the others. However, the Turinis on the 172 Cup look outstanding, so a combination of 182 and Turinis should be.....nice.

p.s. 182s have white seatbelts? is this for real??? :cry:

not as bad as white, but still a bit tasteless (and will show up the dirt?).

more reason to have silver wheels so colours are a bit more coordinated.
