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182 ordered

  black golf v6 4 motion

just ordered a black gold 182 with suspension pack i get it next week :D

cant wait ordered it from reg vardy sunderland excellent ppl....
  Mondeo STTDCI

Check out the stories about Reg Vardy in the Dealerships forum. Dont go their for service or warranty work. Their name crops up far too often and not for good reasons
  black golf v6 4 motion

i know i always use benfied reno a specific one as they are really good to me plus i know the workshop mgr heh

Very tempting to put you foot down even on low miles, Had mine about 2 months now 2500 miles loads of fast fun, definately impressed!

Quote: Originally posted by geordieclio on 02 July 2004

anyone prev 172 or cup owner now have a 182 comparisons?????
Freind of mine just sold his cup for a 182 with cup bits.

He basically said the 182 is a easier car to drive fast, but lacks the feel of the cup.

Cornering wise the 182 starts to slide before the cup did. And the the at the limit band is wider than the cup. But he feels the cup has more grip and responds better to direction changes than the 182.



Cant argue with those comments other than the limit bit. I found the Cup just as easy to drive hard. Ask y0z about my sideway antics in his car.;)

Quote: Originally posted by Lee M on 02 July 2004

Cant argue with those comments other than the limit bit. I found the Cup just as easy to drive hard. Ask y0z about my sideway antics in his car.;)
Better driver than me...the only time i got it sideways ended in all the traffic on the roundabout stopping to wait for me to point the right direction again



y0z did shout at me as we were on an entry ramp onto the M1 I think it was. I felt in control but from where he was sat, and me driving his car he wasnt so confident. He just shouted "slow down". Which of course I couldnt or we would have joined facing the wrong way. :oops:

Quote: Originally posted by Lee M on 02 July 2004

y0z did shout at me as we were on an entry ramp onto the M1 I think it was. I felt in control but from where he was sat, and me driving his car he wasnt so confident. He just shouted "slow down". Which of course I couldnt or we would have joined facing the wrong way. :oops:
Now that would have been a sight for the traffic on the M1......:eek:
  Yaris Hybrid

Going back to the original posting...yet another person getting a black 182 with cup packs who only had to wait a week????

How come these dealers have loads of spare black 182s sitting around doing nothing where as everyone else has to wait 3 months? Ordered mine mid-June but I will be surprised if I see it until mid October at this rate!!!!

how much you pay? mine was 12,200 with cup suspension, and spoiler pack uk sourced as well.. had to wait 8 weeks but with £6,500 deposit and PCP is costing £113 a month, 2,400 balloon payment ... like i care, it will be tracked with covers on plates if they notice fair enough, bargain if you ask me, i was in the market for new s2000, boxster S, FQ 340 and RX-8 but still went for 182 and no im not mad, just realistic. so far amazed bay fun factor which outright pace and ownership doesnt guarantee
  black golf v6 4 motion

i paid 12700 with suspension uk car 1 week delivery though but my payments are more coz i had alot of finance to carry over as i only had my cup 3 months but i am still pleased with my decision



And I finished running mine in at the weekend, then had some fun around the island capital of the UK MK. :D

So how you getting on then Lee? Please with the engine so far?

Good job youve got the b2 moved over at last by the sounds of it! :p



Im very impressed so far Craig. Its a fair old improvement over my 172 in my areas. It certainly goes better and has a nice deep growl to the engine note.

Quote: Originally posted by Lee M on 04 July 2004

Im very impressed so far Craig. Its a fair old improvement over my 172 in my areas. It certainly goes better and has a nice deep growl to the engine note.
:D:D:D ... Its running better than the 172 already!?! :eek:

I wouldnt have expected that for a couple of thousand at least?!

... or are you referring to the overall driving experience Vs outright speed?

Either way, chuffed for you m8!!



Its still very tight, but feels to have decent mid range pull which my 172 never seemed to have. The kick around 5k is a lot more noticable too. But then I never really thought my 172 was as good as a few others Id driven even if it did manage a 15.1 1/4 mile, thats the best it could do. Its probably just me but it does feel like it pulls harder, but obviously not so freely at the moment.

Driving experience wise, it corners a LOT better and getting onto 3 wheels is easily done. It does wonder a little more but thats to be expected with an increase in castor.
