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Wondering about how much the handling differs with cup suspension with coilovers vs non cup with coilovers

  Clio 182 RS
So I have a non cup suspension 182 ff and basically after reading a lot of posts, i am starting to feel like a made a big mistake in not buying one with the cup suspension.

I wanted to put coilovers on my 182 and spacers for fast road/odd trackday and i am wondering what is the difference in handling between a cup suspension 182 with coilovers vs a non cup suspension 182 with coilovers?

Am i missing out on a lot of fun? Should i sell my 182 and get one with cup suspension?

Or is the difference minimal with coilovers and spacers on mine?

Thanks all


ClioSport Club Member
Depends what coilovers you're looking at, get some cheap s**t and it'll be worse than what you've got by a long way.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Only difference between cup and non cup suspension is the shocks, I have a non cup 172 with cup shocks and eibach springs and it's excellent on track, semi-slicks help too.


ClioSport Club Member
Depends what you use the car for IMO, if it's going on track you'll want coilovers if it has cup suspension or not, if it's just a road car, I'd want the cup suspension, although I've not driven a car without it so can't say if it's a huge difference (I suspect not). If the only thing wrong with your current car is not having cup suspension, I'd retrofit the cup hubs etc., rather than changing for a car with cup suspension. Better the devil you know.
  Clio 182 RS
Only difference between cup and non cup suspension is the shocks, I have a non cup 172 with cup shocks and eibach springs and it's excellent on track, semi-slicks help too.
I heard the track is wider too, so the performance difference is minimal?
  Clio 182 RS
Depends what you use the car for IMO, if it's going on track you'll want coilovers if it has cup suspension or not, if it's just a road car, I'd want the cup suspension, although I've not driven a car without it so can't say if it's a huge difference (I suspect not). If the only thing wrong with your current car is not having cup suspension, I'd retrofit the cup hubs etc., rather than changing for a car with cup suspension. Better the devil you know.
I will be using it for fast road with a couple track days a year. I like the idea of adjustability on the coils. How hard is it to put 182 cup hubs in a non cup 182?

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
So I have a non cup suspension 182 ff and basically after reading a lot of posts, i am starting to feel like a made a big mistake in not buying one with the cup suspension.
dare to be different 😊
I wanted to put coilovers on my 182 and spacers for fast road/odd trackday and i am wondering what is the difference in handling between a cup suspension 182 with coilovers vs a non cup suspension 182 with coilovers?
With the state of our roads, I doubt you’ll notice much difference, unless you have a particular set of driving skills. If not, you’ll likely end up in a ditch - cup suspension or non cup 😂
Am i missing out on a lot of fun? Should i sell my 182 and get one with cup suspension?
I’m sure in testing, Renault engineers found some improvement over the non cup suspension, hence offering it as an option. Could your average driver find those differences on a public road or trackday? I doubt it. It’ll come down to who has the biggest set of gonads 😂
Or is the difference minimal with coilovers and spacers on mine?

Thanks all
The most honest answer I can give you is : My previous circuit car was a Cup-packed 182 factory car, but it featured heavily modified suspension, differential, and upgraded bushes etc…..

My current 182 circuit car has non-Cup hubs. However, it too has been extensively modified with upgraded suspension, differential, and bushes etc….. Despite these differences, both cars handle exceptionally well.
  Clio 182 RS
dare to be different 😊

With the state of our roads, I doubt you’ll notice much difference, unless you have a particular set of driving skills. If not, you’ll likely end up in a ditch - cup suspension or non cup 😂

I’m sure in testing, Renault engineers found some improvement over the non cup suspension, hence offering it as an option. Could your average driver find those differences on a public road or trackday? I doubt it. It’ll come down to who has the biggest set of gonads 😂

The most honest answer I can give you is : My previous circuit car was a Cup-packed 182 factory car, but it featured heavily modified suspension, differential, and upgraded bushes etc…..

My current 182 circuit car has non-Cup hubs. However, it too has been extensively modified with upgraded suspension, differential, and bushes etc….. Despite these differences, both cars handle exceptionally well.
I'd like to think I am a good driver ☺️😂

So to be honest, once youve heavily modified it does it basically make the differences between cup and non cup Negligible then?

My plan is to make this thing crazy in the corners


ClioSport Club Member
So I have a non cup suspension 182 ff

Being slightly pedantic, but if you've not got Cup suspension, you've not got a FF 182

Only difference between cup and non cup suspension is the shocks, I have a non cup 172 with cup shocks and eibach springs and it's excellent on track, semi-slicks help too.

I thought the springs were slightly different too? Can't fully remember, but isn't some of the Cup stuff out of production anyway?

I will be using it for fast road with a couple track days a year. I like the idea of adjustability on the coils. How hard is it to put 182 cup hubs in a non cup 182?

Easy enough to do, but pointless if you're going straight for coilovers. Unless the ones you want are only available in the 182 Cup bolt spacing.
Usually you can get either tho, so it's just more money to fit the Cup hubs.

Bc racing ds series, i heard they are great

People really rate the Bilstein B14 coilovers, they're worth considering too.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
So to be honest, once youve heavily modified it does it basically make the differences between cup and non cup Negligible then?
Pretty much. I would argue that only those who purchased a Renault Clio Sport brand new, would truly understand its intended driving characteristics.

I had the opportunity to drive a factory-spec Clio Sport with only 7,000 miles on the clock, and it was remarkably different from my own modified Clio 182.

The slightest modifications can significantly alter these car's handling characteristics. You can completely ruin them if you don’t have a decent understanding of what you’re doing.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I thought the springs were slightly different too? Can't fully remember, but isn't some of the Cup stuff out of production anyway?
Tbh the first think I did to the car was cup shocks and eibach springs because I though the standard setup made it lean over too much in the corners.


ClioSport Club Member
I wouldn't worry, I've had a non cup 182 before my cup 182 now and there was very little difference in it. As above, good quality coilovers (BC racing should be good) and off you go.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Being slightly pedantic, but if you've not got Cup suspension, you've not got a FF 182

I thought the springs were slightly different too? Can't fully remember, but isn't some of the Cup stuff out of production anyway?
Cup suspension was slightly lower and slightly stiffer than none cup suspension. So yeah, you're correct.
Cup springs are no longer available but cup shock absorbers are.
  Clio 182 RS
Being slightly pedantic, but if you've not got Cup suspension, you've not got a FF 182

I thought the springs were slightly different too? Can't fully remember, but isn't some of the Cup stuff out of production anyway?

Easy enough to do, but pointless if you're going straight for coilovers. Unless the ones you want are only available in the 182 Cup bolt spacing.
Usually you can get either tho, so it's just more money to fit the Cup hubs.

People really rate the Bilstein B14 coilovers, they're worth considering too.
Well idk what one i have tbh 😂 I havent measured the hub spacing but I know i have the front headlight jet sprayers, i have white wheels and half leather seats, also cruise control and abs and an esp switch.

Well in that case I will stick with mine, I will be going far with the mods eventually so I just want a good starting ground.
  Clio 182 RS
Pretty much. I would argue that only those who purchased a Renault Clio Sport brand new, would truly understand its intended driving characteristics.

I had the opportunity to drive a factory-spec Clio Sport with only 7,000 miles on the clock, and it was remarkably different from my own modified Clio 182.

The slightest modifications can significantly alter these car's handling characteristics. You can completely ruin them if you don’t have a decent understanding of what you’re doing.
Well I am new to modding cars and clios as ive only had mine for a year, i was going to put bc coilovers on and change the wheel as the stock one im sure we can all agree is utter sh*t.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Oh like powerflex bushings for the suspension parts, is that something i can do myself or is it easier to just let a specialist do it?
You can polybush the anti roll bar inner and outer bushes, the wishbone bushes, the engine mounts, you can get an aftermarket rear anti roll bar too as they don't come with one, there's loads of things you can do to them to maximise handling.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Lots of guides in the forum section, but you’ll need to be a member to view them. And plenty of great threads in the Project section too. 😊
  Clio 182 RS
Lots of guides in the forum section, but you’ll need to be a member to view them. And plenty of great threads in the Project section too. 😊
I will have a look, honestly do you know any garages who are good at this stuff, my local one is very busy and I am happy to throw a bit of money for someone to just do the bushings for me at this point 😂
