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182 radio/cd problems please help

Hi all please help, i have had my 182 clio for 6 months now and no problems really and this morning i changed the cd (this is the standard cd player that the 182 comes with) and it will not let me eject the cd. its well stuck if you keep pressing the eject button it just beeps at you. (in the book it says that it beeps at you beacsue its hot).......but ive only used it for 10 mins so its not hot, id really like to sort this with out taking it back to the dealership - please help before i lose the will to live!

Cheers paul
  Mondeo STTDCI

Had this one. Just have to have a play. Ignition flicked on and off, power on/off, itll spit it out eventually.

BAD CD-R!!"!
  172 Cup

Im only asking as I know some manufacturers (Mazda for definite) are advising people not to use CD-Rs as they are getting stuck in the units and they are prepared to do the work under warranty.

Saying that Ive used plenty of CD-R in the Cup headunit without a problem. Turn the electrics off for a while and try again.

tried to play ignition switch on/off radio on/off still wont work - i played for a hour before of this idea - HELP im going mad!

Mine does this sometimes... I think its when you play it when the engines not running and you press the power button. Turn it off and start the engine. Then try and eject it
  172 Cup

Bad CD-R then... Some come out slightly too thick (talking fractions of a mm) which cause them to jam. Not sure what to suggest sorry mate.

IM NOT SHOUTING BUT THANKS EVERYBODY - you wont belive it but my mum whos a real technophobe did what you said and it work, i couldnt get it to work for love or money!!!!! THANKS AGAIN


turned on and off ignition pressed eject which bleeped at her and then she kept finger on eject and it spat it out - thing is though i tried this! trusty mum doh!!!
