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182/Trophy cruise control speed wrong?

Noticed whatever speed I set the cruise control at the speedo shows around 2-3mph more :S I've heard this is a common accorance for them, does anyone else have this same problem?

Bloody French cars :headno: lol


ClioSport Club Member
Normal, as far as I'm aware. I think the speedo isn't completely accurate anyway, the set cruise speed may actually be more accurate, although I'm only guessing.
  182cup & 172 racecar
You will find that this is correct. Cc is more accurate than your speedo.
So your 'bloody French car ' is doing you a favour every day, by helping you from getting caught for speeding


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
Iv always wondered this my 182 over reads when cc is on.. Cruise at 60 and speedo at 65 o_O
  BG182ff,explod Focus
Funnily enough, when I first started using the CC on my Clio I was surprised at how closely it matches the speedo reading.

Then again I had been driving a Focus for a while. Cruise control set at 70 :), speedo reads 76 :S.
They are just as bad at lower speeds too.
  RB 182 195bhp
GPS / sat nav isn't that accurate for speeds in certain circumstances. Iirc it measures the speed by determining times point to point from satellites in the sky, so if your heading up/ down hill it will be inaccurate as the speed would be calculated for a level ground, and when on a slope your traveling further, thus faster. Rant over
