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197 compared to the 1*2

  Glanza V
hi all, well i have decided 2 keep my little 1.2 1 more year so i can get my 2 years no claims (and keep saving) so i can get a 197:approve: i dont realy no to much about these compered to the 1*2 so could any1 share any experice/info on the 197 compared to the 1*2 i.e handeling, performance,comfort etc i will be very greatfull of any info recived:D

thanx mark,

(hope this makes sence :eek: appologies if not)
  M2 Competition
Greatly improved in all area's! You'll love it.

Only thing it lacks is the rawness of the earlier models, but with a heavier better built car this is to be expected.
both great cars but 197

handles better, more comfortable, better spec, better build quality, safer.... i could go on
  Tangoed Works
yeah 197 better than a 1*2, but less rawness. easier to live with day to day. saying that my 182 has been a daily driver for last 3 years and ive put like 40k miles on it. I love it!!
  Glanza V
the 197 sounds just as good as it looks then :) i didnt even like these 6 month ago wich is very strainge but they have grown on me so much lol


ClioSport Club Member
They're very capable and very comfy.

I've driven a few and they just not as exciting to drive hard, IMO.

They don't have the "small car-big engine" feeling that the Mk2's have... and i'd miss that.
  Glanza V
wel i think the obvious answer would be to get my ass to renault and get a test drive. I have also been looking at the trophy so we shall see what happens :) thanks for the info and advice given.


Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
hi all, well i have decided 2 keep my little 1.2 1 more year so i can get my 2 years no claims (and keep saving) so i can get a 197:approve: i dont realy no to much about these compered to the 1*2 so could any1 share any experice/info on the 197 compared to the 1*2 i.e handeling, performance,comfort etc i will be very greatfull of any info recived:D

thanx mark,

(hope this makes sence :eek: appologies if not)

-182's feel quicker
-182's are better on fuel
-182's are cheaper!

-197's feel better built
-197's handle, brake and ride better
-197's are nicer to drive
