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1st Gear Problem


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup, FK2 Type R
Went out in my car last night, pulled away fine, no problems, 10 mins later pulled up to the lights, couldn't select 1st gear. Took the car back home, tried it stationary on the drive, still cant get it in with the car on or off. All the other gears are fine, they all select and pull perfectly fine.

Any ideas what the cause of this could be? Worth nothing that the gearbox was refurbished about 15k miles ago.

  330i. E30 Touring.
Does it slot in if you select 2nd, then go into 1st? Can you get reverse?

I'd be checking the linkage TBH.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup, FK2 Type R
I've not had the chance to check anything, was getting dark when I got back last night, Going to jack it up tomorrow and have a look.

Refurb was done by Mickleton Service Station in County Durham before I got the car, I have the receipt from the job, but its not itemised, there's a few parts listed, but the work itself it just down as gearbox taken out, refurbished and refitted- £600


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup, FK2 Type R
Nah cant get it from 2nd, reverse is fine. I thought linkage, but need to have a proper look tomorrow


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup, FK2 Type R
Just got in my car to move it up the drive to jack it up, 1st gears now working fine, took for a spin round the block, no problems...any ideas what could be going on here?
  monaco 172
Just got in my car to move it up the drive to jack it up, 1st gears now working fine, took for a spin round the block, no problems...any ideas what could be going on here?

My old 182 got stuck in 5th once. I managed to get it into neutral on the selector arm using a hammer and screwdrivers and it was perfectly fine for another 2 years until I sold it!

Strange things
