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200 headlight gone..

  RB Clio 200
I noticed last night that one of my bulbs has gone.. I bought some mtec 6k bulbs a few month ago but never had them fitted. Does anyone know anywhere in the north east who will wangle the bulbs in and not charge me a fortune to remove the bumper?


ClioSport Club Member
Hi mate,

I did mine the other day. It can be done if you are patient, but if you try and rush it you'll end up cutting your hands up & getting riled in the process.

The nearside I actually found the easiest strangely. 10mil socket to remove the acoustic valve. Remove plastic battery cover & fuse box cover & then it's just a case of getting your hand in there to remove the back cover of the lamp. Pull the plug out then the bulb.

No need to remove the bumper, once you've done it once, it's not so bad.

Heard 'some' renault garages will so it for free but I can't confirm this.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Why not just do it yourself? Takes all of 5mins to have the bumper shield off and a further two mins to have the light off.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Brown bear, force India, or whatever he's called this month did a guide on it in the guides section.

I've got fat sausage fingers and managed to do mine without taking the bumper off.
  RB Clio 200
I have air con will the feed not be in my way?? I've seen a guide but he said he spent hours fiddling them in so I didn't bother! I haven't even had a look yet to be honest I've been busy with work!


ClioSport Club Member
I have air con will the feed not be in my way?? I've seen a guide but he said he spent hours fiddling them in so I didn't bother! I haven't even had a look yet to be honest I've been busy with work!

You talking about the one that feeds across near the washer bottle?

It does restrict your movement, but I have hands like spades & managed it ok enough.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Guy over the road tried this on his dCi and ignored the warnings. Green gas went everywhere lol

Just take the bumper shield off rather than risk breaking s**t trying to save time.


ClioSport Club Member
Guy over the road tried this on his dCi and ignored the warnings. Green gas went everywhere lol

Just take the bumper shield off rather than risk breaking s**t trying to save time.

Not really sure how he managed that, must have been windmilling a treat



ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
I know, I guess he tried brute force and ignorance to bend a pipe and fractured it but it was funny as fook to see.

R134a has a really pleasant smell to hehehe
  RB Clio 200
Managed to get them both changed in about 20/25 mins! Guide i used was really good and done the hard work for me! Was a bit annoying with the air con hose right in the way, but defo worth it. I've got 4.5k HIDs in now with Japanese writing all over so fk knows what it says but they're very white and very bright!! Thanks guys :)
