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26" Lcd Hdtv - £300

  SLK 350
Indeed, I fired a question at them, will see what they say. Looks alright though for the money you agree?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
for 300 notes looks like a bargain tbh.

i have no idea about this HDtv stuff, aslong as it worked i'd be happy! :clown:
check on amazon too - I just ordered my 26" HD LCD Samsung, was a toss up between Samsung (only 1x hdmi socket, but looks good) Or Philips (2x hdmi sockets, but pretty ugly) Samsung £499, Philips £498 - These both have freeview.
  SLK 350
Not arsed about freeview as I have Sky+ both those prices are out of my range, or rather more than im willing to spend, as I know those prices will drop hideously over the next 6 months, don't feel so bad about spending £300 notes on one though.

Personally I don't think it's ugly, not when your staring at a 28" Tosh CRT anyway.
