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3 clio 200s in chorlton


ClioSport Club Member
black with silver wheels, literally 2 mins walk from my house

white one again 2 mins walk from my house

silver one about 30 seconds from my house

i like the silver one tbh
  Clio Sport 200
haha, lbrench - that white one is mine mate, you also parked next to me at the NCP near picadilly, you put a card on my windscreen, just joined this forum now as a result ;)

You live round the corner from me then, can't say I've spotted your's round Chorlton, seen the other two you've posted!!


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
Good to see the good old faithfull flyers still work :approve:

200's are certainly common round your way!
  Homo spec mazda
haha, lbrench - that white one is mine mate, you also parked next to me at the NCP near picadilly, you put a card on my windscreen, just joined this forum now as a result ;)

You live round the corner from me then, can't say I've spotted your's round Chorlton, seen the other two you've posted!!

<3 I see your car nearly every single day. love it.
  Merc A class
haha, lbrench - that white one is mine mate, you also parked next to me at the NCP near picadilly, you put a card on my windscreen, just joined this forum now as a result ;)

You live round the corner from me then, can't say I've spotted your's round Chorlton, seen the other two you've posted!!

Welcome to Cliosport mate!

Should get yourself over to the meet at the weekend!


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
jeez common as muck these 200s in manc! ;)

i'm keepin it old skool with the ph1. i saw a black 200 at weekend actually on regent rd by that ropey wellington pub traffic lights. dunno if it was one of you's
  Homo spec mazda
I'm away this weekend so won't be about, what's the meet, and where you doing it?

Its just a general get together, starting at Krispy Kremes early on in the day, then when we get bored moving over to the imperial war museum. The NW meets are good should be 40 cars or so between cliosport and meganesport. Good banter, good times.
