Yes, which will get you around 7 at best. Believe me, you'll need to beat the s**t out of your clutch and box to get 6.5. That is all.
Even if you did get 6.5 (which is possible), what have you gained? Unless it's a drag car, these numbers mean s**t. In RL you'll find mapped diesels keeping up.
EDIT: Think of it this way. For every 100ms it takes you to do something, that's another 0.1s lost. Lose 200ms off the fastest clutch toasting launch possible, and 200ms off the fastest box smashing change imaginable, and you're already down by 0.4s. Factor in that many cars need a second gear change, and it starts to mean very little against RL driving conditions. Don't get me wrong, the Clios are quick little sheds. I'm just saying the numbers mean very little, and tell you nothing about how a car delivers its power away from a drag strip.
If you don't believe me, hook up some timing gear. You'll be surprised. 7.5 would probably be what you'd get by driving like you do now. You will get 6.5, but you'll be worried about your clutch & box by the time you do.