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Adding a few bits to my cleaning box


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
So, ECP have a sale on at the mo (so do DFS) so thought I might grab some extra bits


I've already got 2 buckets, snow foam, AG shampoo, lambswool washmit and a large drying towel. Does anyone have any recommendations for clay? The car is in need of a run over it after 12 months of being abused at the local Lithuanian car wash.


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Blit hamber clay.
If you want to get it something like after 12 months hand car wash maybe a respray may be in order !??


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
The iron remover seems very expensive?

Can get iron out at Halfords for around a tenner. Or was when i bought some.

I'd choose a different detailer spray too.

I use the kent drying towel from Amazon, a fiver (or was)


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
As above.. ironX is the best usually recommend fallout remover and way cheaper than that iirc.

Look at i4detailing or CleanYourCar or any number of specialists rather than that.. Most of that is junk tbh ! I'm sure some of them still offer CS discount.. maybe....

You've bought a polishing pad but no polish ?

Grab a bottle of AF Tripple .. it will hide some of the marks and give some protection. Easy enough by hand.

As for clay - that will just mark the paint so you'll need to correct it. It doesn't remove scratches and swirl marks.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
As above.. ironX is the best usually recommend fallout remover and way cheaper than that iirc.

Look at i4detailing or CleanYourCar or any number of specialists rather than that.. Most of that is junk tbh ! I'm sure some of them still offer CS discount.. maybe....

You've bought a polishing pad but no polish ?

Grab a bottle of AF Tripple .. it will hide some of the marks and give some protection. Easy enough by hand.

As for clay - that will just mark the paint so you'll need to correct it. It doesn't remove scratches and swirl marks.

Already got polish and wax in my box, but ran out of applicator pads.

I know it needs a detail really, but I just want to get together what I can and try to keep it as clean as I can before spending £300 on a paint correction.

Cheers for the other links, will have a look at those.

ClioSport Trader
Do you use snowfoam? I would recommend Bilt Hamber snowfoam or I'm quite enjoying Polar Blast from Autoglym.

Quick detailer for me is Ultra Violet from Mad Cow. Iron remover is either Autofinesse or Auto Smart do one and it works it far cheaper to buy it 5L at a time! It's equally as good imo.

Another good one is Polar Seal, use that after cleaning your car with a jet wash for 3-4 weeks of protection. It's a 5 minute waxing session.
