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Admiral - good price for renewal!

Im quite amazed really...

£540 for modded valver (brakes, smoothed boot, wheels, exhaust)

Im 26 with 8 years protected NCB,

one £660 claim 100% off a 3rd party Nov 04,

no convictions on licence at the moment but waiting for a couple to go through (but hopefully they wont lol),

£0 voluntary excess,

one named female driver,

Business class 1 use.

Elephant came close at £538 but that was with a £250 excess lol

Everyone else was coming in at over £700 with a 3-figure excess!

[Edited by White16valver on 23 August 2005 at 7:50pm]

edit: though if both convictions go through I fear a demand off them for £800 to take it up to £1300... :confused:

Dont know how old you are mate, but Admiral have been surprisingly cheap for young drivers and fast/rare cars. I paid £840 for my Civic VTi-S this year on renewal, same as my 1.2 Clio last year. Most of the others were £1300 plus.

They seem to be attracting that market at the moment - anyone want to lay bets on how long itll be before they pull out having got stung? lol
  tiTTy & SV650

dont declare a panel filter...

admiral beat elephant by £100 for me this year so Elephant beat it :D
