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Advice on 172

Thinking about getting a year 2000 Clio 172.It is a track car has a 53 plate cup engine fitted to it with uprated cams gas flowed head and manifolds.Uprated adjustable suspension, big brakes,Roll cage,etc.
not knowing much about Clios just wondered what the main problems if any might be and what are the main weak links to the 172 in general.All the work has been professionally carried out and looks to be done to a good standard.
  Clio 172 RS2

Clio RS are pretty sturdy cars... weak links?
Engine mounts (torque engine, is a lot off rocking about)

But since yours is a 'track' car... all has been replaced for speed, strength and responsiveness.

So look at the brakes obvious due to hard track use!
Cambelt wear, cam itself as to the lobes, engine must be trashed ie. above 5 thou rev's!
Gearbox, is it crunchy; might be trashed due to fancy track shifting!

And so on... dunno' if i personally would fancy a 'track' car, been tampered with to much.
