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Aftermarket steering wheels in a 172

  E39 530i
Has anyone got any pics of an aftermarket steering wheel in their 172? Thinking of getting one but not sure. please help.
its not a 172, but its the same dash as the ph1s

  E39 530i
did ur orginal steering wheel have an air bag? what are the insurers like with u having this fitted to ur car.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode



one of the best mods you can do, but make sure you get a 320mm ;)
  Chocolate Bar™
I'll agree with the above^ makes the car feel so responsive better than the huge renault lump they give u as standard. Takes a while to get used to though.


  106 GTi
Never ever drive Si's car then drive your own straight after, makes the standard wheel feel like your in a tug boat!
  A3 1.8T
Looking at getting the Momo Millenium looks nice but would like to see one on a Mk1 - anyone got any pics?
  White Clio 1.2 @ 172

I got that in my mk2 ph1. Love the feel of it and would never revert back to standard wheel. Although I do feel the tramlining a lot more through it and it does take a few days/weeks to get used to.
i have bought the momo millenium now for my 172 ph1, but awaiting the momo boss 2 week waiting list :( from momo uk cant find one in stock anywhere
  E39 530i
What make is your boss? Where did you relocate your steering controls?[/QUOTE]

completely 4got about the steering wheel controls :eek: is there a way around this. apart from not changing the wheel


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
its a bit dark outside......

my boss took 9 weeks to come!!!!

tweeks said two weeks :(
