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ahhh help!!!!

  DUB mk2 golf gti!
taking top facia off the dash!removed the speakers in the doors and the tweeters!hwere can i put my crossovers,also how can i feed the wire from my new tweeters to the crossover!the rubber gromet in the door i cnt get it off!:dapprove: :mad:
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Why not put the crossovers under the dash and use the existing wires to the door speakers ?
  DUB mk2 golf gti!
it got to dark to finish anyting!so just stuck new speakers in all round,left out crossovers and tweeters!try it again at l8ter stage!i just finding it hard to find the wires to connect the crossover to!u kno when they come out the rubber gromet from the door!the colours have all changed!
  BMW F31
iirc the bottom two wires in the middle are the speaker ones, just look in the door and see what colour the cable to the speaker is then trace it back to the plug on the door, if you push up the outer plastic bit you can withdraw the plug and have a look etc.
