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Air con no longer works.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Light etc comes on, but is no click from the compressor and no cold air, what's it likely to be?


ClioSport Moderator
Technically, the system is sealed, so it should never need re-gassing unless you have a hole in it etc.

Here's what I'd do.

Take to Kiwk Fit, ask them to re-gas.

They'll pressure test

Find that the system isn't sealed

Run dye through system to identify leak

HOPEFULLY the leak is in the condenser (AC radiator type thing).

Tell kiwkfit thanks, there will be no charge as they couldn't gas it, they'll offer to replace for £800 or something silly.

Contact cliospares, buy new condenser (if that is the issue).

Your system will be empty of gas, because the first thing Kiwk Fit do it drain the system, take the front bumper off, replace the condenser, take back to kiwk fit and they'll fill it up for £50.

  53 Clio's & counting
It may also have been a very slow leak, and it has now reached the level where it can't work, and a re gas will fill it back up
  53 Clio's & counting
If it is a small leak, it might not be spotted if the person doing it either can't be bothered or isn't trained correctly, iv seen cars in at work who have been into somewhere for a re gas, but it didn't last long before it didn't work again, and when we looked at it it literally had sprayed the engine in dye and the previous place had somehow not noticed it lol
