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Airfield - Official Press Photos!

  Vee dub
Did you do the sex wee on bonnet trick when they wernt looking like u said you were going to?
TomS said:
Did you do the sex wee on bonnet trick when they wernt looking like u said you were going to?

i left a lil bit of love Pi*s in the back of saners car.. :D :D... i couldnt aim it in the right direction!! :D :D
wow nice pics omar!!:





Markcup: I was suprised how late you were braking, thats where i was loosing time! as i was taking the exact same lines as you! but i deffo enjoyed my near-roll experience on my 1st run lol!!
Markcup: I was suprised how late you were braking, thats where i was loosing time! as i was taking the exact same lines as you! but i deffo enjoyed my near-roll experience on my 1st run lol!!
  Clio 197

Thanks for the compliment :)

You can see how the back started to step out a bit there.... you held onto it very well!!
lol i was beggining to perfect how much it slid, after the 1st run i knew it was going to slide, so just decided to make the best of it, and the best part, no tank slapper!
Right guys, just sorted every single photo out and here goes... 2006

All in individual folders by forum name if known, nearly everyone has between 3-10 pics and if you click on an image on the right hand side and then click on the "O" at the top of the page you can get a full size pic. Apologies if I've got any names wrong!

Paul J
Acid V6
Silver V6
Arctic 182
Dave 3141
Black V6
  FN2 Type R +MK6 Golf
Great pics mate.shame about that 172.New bumper me thinks.Did it damage the rediator??

  R35 GTR
:eek:Crashed it down to inexperience i think. Looks like it is a new bumper jobby+sideskirt+getting rid of small dent and scratches.

I went round the corner, back end went and turned in to it a bit too far, so i snapped round to the left and spun. Was good fun though! I spun out there twice.
