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Algae Removal


ClioSport Club Member
My Mum has asked me to give her Car a Good Was/Detail and valet Tomorrow while everyone is at work and I've just had a quick look around it and alot of the Window Seals/Door Shuts/Electric Roof Folds have a nice layer of dried out Algae,

Should I just go at it like Normal Grime and Shampoo and Mitt it or do you recommend some other Products/Techniques?



ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I was thinking Soft Toothbrush or Small Paintbrush


ClioSport Club Member
APC Cleaner (daisy from tesco) - All Purpose Cleaner?????
Yep. Its a general cleaner for around the house. A lot of detailers use it for things like cleaning under bonnets, arches and rubber seals etc.


ClioSport Club Member
OK Cheers.... I'll get some Tomorrow before I start and may use it to scrub up the Bay aswell then.
chris' white replica had this problem, i took to it with a very soft bristle brush before any detailing had started to ensure i did not put back scratches that i had removed with PCing.

megs apc, or just what ever car shampoo you use should be fine lad

oh, and bilberry on a family car = waste IMHO ;)



ClioSport Club Member
I used a very strong Concentration of Shampoo and Hot Water and a Paint Brush and went around every crease with it before I even shampoo'd the car..... Bilberry on her Grubby Merc Wheels was definitely needed and I'm hoping the detail will help them sell it so they can buy a nicer car for me to drive while they are on Holidays :D


ClioSport Club Member
At the moment just an 02 Merc SLK 200 as it was a Birthday Present a few years ago but I'm working on them to get a Porsche but Mum is sticking with her Merc's I think even though I don't think they are anything special and hers is beginning to bubble with rust :(


ClioSport Club Member
CLK Black now that would be a Merc worth owning...... Mum doesn't care about Speed much so it'll probably just be another 200 but I have seen some with almost all of the AMG Optioons which make them look abit more special.
