The Boosh!
ClioSport Admin
Elise, Duster
I am currently running this website:
It's basically just somewhere for me to put all my photos, and I normally hotlink them through to here. For example car meets etc.
What I want is a more professional front page, and a gallery which displays the best of my photography. I would also like a bit of a blog on there, where I can link to my albums which I already have (see more info below).
I would then like the part of my website which I have done "hidden" so I can still use it as my own photobucket sort of thing, but people can't view it unless i let them (i.e posting it on here) Its pissing me off because I keep getting people leaving spam comments on my images selling viagra and shite, and i'm sick of having to moderate them via e-mail
I don't want this doing for free, and I will pay you for your expertise!
PM me if you can help
I am currently running this website:
It's basically just somewhere for me to put all my photos, and I normally hotlink them through to here. For example car meets etc.
What I want is a more professional front page, and a gallery which displays the best of my photography. I would also like a bit of a blog on there, where I can link to my albums which I already have (see more info below).
I would then like the part of my website which I have done "hidden" so I can still use it as my own photobucket sort of thing, but people can't view it unless i let them (i.e posting it on here) Its pissing me off because I keep getting people leaving spam comments on my images selling viagra and shite, and i'm sick of having to moderate them via e-mail
I don't want this doing for free, and I will pay you for your expertise!
PM me if you can help