I've had some really good games tonight. Got KD26-10 with 6 assists....
I'll get my mate to send you a clan invite tomorow.
I have noticed some annoying things about it after i've played for a few hours:
Some of the maps are waaaay to big. It never used to bother me on KZ2 as you had the spawn grenades but with the set points now, it can be really hard to do some objectives. You should at least be ablt to spawn on squad leader/ members
The balancing of teams is a bit hit and miss. Me and a mate joined one earlier and it was 2v9! We got destroyed!
Some of the perks are good but you can only have one at a time. And the ammo is low when you spawn. I also prefered KZ2 when you could mix classes. Thats gone now and some of them might not work imo.
Plus some of the new guns are s**t. The suppressed weapons are quite poor imo. 3 burst rounds dont really work when you're surrounded!
Operations is good. Although when we played it it kept repeating the same map. No choice to switch unless you exit and find another one. It should just rotate the levels. I think there's only 3 or 4 atm anyway.
On a whole though, i like it. Not as much as i thought i would but it might grow on me and maybe guerilla will bring some updates to fix the little problems.