Your Price is £643.65
Based on your details, we have made a few assumptions about what level of cover you would like for your policy. Please feel free to change these options below - the price of the policy will automatically update itself.
Remember, if you would like any advise or have any questions, please call us on 0870 013 1072 (national rate) 8am-10pm Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm Saturday, 10am-4pm Sunday;jsessionid=BQS4KVQAAAG2KCQBAHFZSPA#">IMG onclick=MM_openBrWindow Help/levelofCover.html;jsessionid=BQS4KVQAAAG2KCQBAHFZSPA , help , width=350,height=400 height=15 alt=? src=">
Level of Cover
Comprehensive Third Party, Fire and Theft Third Party Only;jsessionid=BQS4KVQAAAG2KCQBAHFZSPA#">IMG onclick=MM_openBrWindow Help/voluntaryExcess.html;jsessionid=BQS4KVQAAAG2KCQBAHFZSPA , help , width=350,height=235 height=15 alt=? src=">
Voluntary Excess
£0 Voluntary excess £50 Voluntary excess £100 Voluntary excess £150 Voluntary excess £250 Voluntary Excess;jsessionid=BQS4KVQAAAG2KCQBAHFZSPA#">IMG onclick=MM_openBrWindow Help/policyTerm.html;jsessionid=BQS4KVQAAAG2KCQBAHFZSPA , help , width=350,height=235 height=15 alt=? src=">
Policy Term
10 Month - Bonus Accelerator 12 Month - Annual;jsessionid=BQS4KVQAAAG2KCQBAHFZSPA#">IMG onclick=MM_openBrWindow Help/ncbProtection.html;jsessionid=BQS4KVQAAAG2KCQBAHFZSPA , help , width=350,height=390 height=15 alt=? src=">
No Claims Bonus
Guaranteed No Claims Bonus None Protected No Claims Bonus
We will automatically save this price for you and it will remain valid until midnight on 19-May-03. If you accept this quote, your policy must start on, or before, 19-May-03. If you would like the policy to start after this date, please click">U color=#0000ffhere/U.
Your policy includes £100,000 of">U color=#0000ffLegal Expenses Cover/U which is now a standard part of your Elephant Insurance Policy. You can find a full explanation of our policy and any exclusions to your cover online in color=#0000ffYour Cover with
Your Excess
An excess is the amount that you pay in the event of any claim, regardless of who is to blame for the incident. The values below include both the voluntary excess selected above and any compulsory excesses.
Age of the driver in charge
at time of the accident
Your excess
Less than 21 years
Age 21 - 24
Over 25 with a full UK licence for at least 1 year
Over 25 with a provisional UK licence or a full UK licence for less than 1 year
If you make a claim for windscreen damage, the following excesses apply:
If you make a claim for Fire and/or Theft, the following excesses apply:
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