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Anyone running Prospeed exhaust? How loud? DB?

  Mondeo STTDCI
I fancy doing the Bedford Day on 20th April.

Anyone have any idea if I'll pass the sound tests? I have the Prospeed number with decat and single rear silencer (as opposed to the two aside each other). Standard airbox no other mods.

  Mreg 1.8 16v naples red
depends on the pipe. i always use prospeed. my 1st was a big japcut thing * grose * was like a jumo jet sound. but the new one is preety silent.
i've got full prospeed with decat...

nowhere near loud enough to fail track sound tests. all they'll do is stick a silencer thingy on the end of your tailpipe anyway (... that right?)
  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..
my old RS with prospeed system (2.5" bore) with decat was 98db at Goodwood.
