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Apple Customer Support

Hi all, i have recently started to have problems with my iPhone 3G.

The bottom half of the screen has stopped working resulting in me not being able to unlock the keypad, text, answer a call etc.

So i rang Apple to see how i would go about getting it sorted as the phone is barely 4months old and its still under warrantly with Apple. I get the usual try rebooting the phone, do a restore, done all of this and no change. So the tech guy says to take the phone to my nearest Apple store and it will get looked at and fixed or replaced. Fair enough.

The nearest (and only store in N.I.) is 40 miles away from me, i go there after work (i work to 7.30 every night) i arrive at the Apple store to be told by the guys working there, who were very rude to me that they couldnt look at it because they were too busy (besides them looking at their facebook pages on the display iMacs) and that i should bring it back some other time.

I tried to explain to this ignorant t**t that i had just travelled 40+ miles to bring it to them as instructed by Apple tech support and that i had spent £340 on a iPhone without a contract not even 4months ago and he just replied with "you havent travelled that far, its only a phone"

I just stood with my mouth open as i couldnt believe the way i had been spoken to, not the excellent customer support ive heard of from Apple.

Very disappointed TBH.

Anyone else had this from Apple?
Yeah i have but i have to wait a week for it.

Real shitter as there was no real need for the guys to speak to me the way they did


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
They are fine if they know you are coming.

If you turned up at my house unnanounced and asked me to move a thread, you'd get the same response.
Well there you go then.

Would you turn up at the Doctors and have a strop because you weren't seen instantly?

Email Apple once its sorted, tell them how great they are normally, tell them you are disappointed with how you were spoken to and will have to give serious consideration before buying anymore Apple products based on this experience.

Word it properly and you'll get some vouchers or something.
So its ok to treat customers like s**t if they dont know that they are calling in with a faulty product?

Being polite to someone isnt a hard chore

EDIT: Revels; will do, im sure guys in other apple stores are pricks like over here


ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS
I agree with Mikey on this. Yeh ok he should have had an appointment, but the guy he spoke to could have just said 'Sorry mate, you have been misinformed. We can make an appointment now for you'.
I agree with Mikey on this. Yeh ok he should have had an appointment, but the guy he spoke to could have just said 'Sorry mate, you have been misinformed. We can make an appointment now for you'.
Exactly mate, thats the sort of thing that would give Apple a bad name.
So its ok to treat customers like s**t if they dont know that they are calling in with a faulty product?

Being polite to someone isnt a hard chore

EDIT: Revels; will do, im sure guys in other apple stores aren't pricks like over here
Just editing my typo :eek:
Ive heard that also, which is why i was surprised/shocked to get treated like a c**t.

Seemed like the 3 guys in the Apple store were more worried about their facebook pages than helping a customer TBH.
  BMW F31
In my experiance apple staff / apple customer service is the best I have ever come across.

+1 tbh, usually very helpful, unfortunately you get pricks everywhere!

as said email and moan, you may get something.

bought an iMac yesterday, gave us an upgrade piece of software not the full version, so got to take it back to apple store, i'm going to try and get it free due to the hassle of travelling etc :p
  ALBI 197 Sonic MKII
I was in the same boat as you with my first 3G replacement. Except I traveled 3 and a half hours! O2 never told me I had to book an appointment, and it was my first time ever dealing with Apple. I was insanely pissed off at the time, as it should have been a 5 minute swap.

Lesson learnt.

My next 3 replacements (!) were spot on, staff couldn't have been more happy to help, with no quibbles. I also got a free upgrade from a shitty white MacBook to a top of the range unibody one for ruining it while it was in getting "repaired." :)
apple customer service is awesome and some of the best out there imo. had a ipod touch replaced no questions along with a iphone. both replaced there and then AFTER MAKING AN APPOINTMENT on the tinternet first. genius' the lot of em....
  Titanium 182
They should not have spoken to you like that.

It cannot really be compared to turning up at Toms house and asking for a thread moved... They are at work.
I use a lot of apple gear day to day and whenever I have had an issue with them I have found their after sales support to be second to none.

The booking system they use for the repair desk is very good IF you book in and use it properly, you are seen promptly and the staff are always really knowledgable and friendly.

My old Powerbook packed up and they took it off me replaced the motherboard and the screen in 1 day and I had it back the next evening (collection from Bluewater), the receipt for the work was over £1300.00 and to make it even better the laptop died just after my apple care support ran out, but the tech guy pushed it through anyway.

Epic after sales service. A massive benefit of owning a mac that is often overlooked IMO.
I have no doubt that their service is second to none and i have an appointment booked for friday, i just wasnt happy about the staff being ignorant and treating me like a c**t.

After all i did spend £350 on one of their products, when this matter with my iPhone is resolved i will be writing to Apple and hope the powers at be give those guys a kick up the arse for being like that to a paying customer.
  Titanium 182
Apple customer service is very good.
In this case I don't think they should have spoken to him in that way.
  E39 530i
had the same problem with my iPhone booked an appointment and got it changed - think you were just very unlucky.
