what happened was I ordered the Arctic Blue, got a phone about a month later saying they dont do Arctic Blue, so I ordered a Black one, decided I didnt want black and rang them to say could I change to Racing Blue but I couldnt cos it had gone through already, I wasnt that bothered tbh. And then the dealer said, oh we have just had a cancelled order on a 182 with all the packs if you want it, will be delivered soon but the bad news is you pay 200quid extra cos you already ordered the black one and it will be sitting on our forecourt wasting space.
I was mad at this point cos they had my first choice colour there and told me I couldnt have it and then tell me i can for xtra cash, so i said give it to me for the same price or your be stuck with 2 182's and I'll go buy something else, so they gave me the blue one for no xtra price - thank god.
so there you have it... sorry to bore you... ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz