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Assistance Required Sourcing Clio 182 Engine

  Megane RS RB7, 182
Hi All,

I am from South Africa and just recently acquired the clio 182 with a dead engine.

Looking at restoring the car to oem+, please can someone assist me with reputable dealers from which I can purchase a 182 engine and have it shipped to South Africa?



ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172
Hi All,

I am from South Africa and just recently acquired the clio 182 with a dead engine.

Looking at restoring the car to oem+, please can someone assist me with reputable dealers from which I can purchase a 182 engine and have it shipped to South Africa?

Hey oz, do you want it rebuilt or just a second hand motor?

As there are a few second hand motors for sale on Facebook but getting them shipped might be a challenge.

I do know of a few for sale. I think they would be cool with shipping it but not sure of the cost of a pallet to South Africa and the condition it would arrive in.

Let me know and I will try and help.


  2001 clio172
I have a 172 engine taken from a running car. Been sat in my workshop for a while be glad to see it go to a good home if that helps. Can take some photos if interested.
  Megane RS RB7, 182
Hey oz, do you want it rebuilt or just a second hand motor?

As there are a few second hand motors for sale on Facebook but getting them shipped might be a challenge.

I do know of a few for sale. I think they would be cool with shipping it but not sure of the cost of a pallet to South Africa and the condition it would arrive in.

Let me know and I will try and help.


Thanks for the response.

Il have a look on facebook but would require someone who I can trust to do the deal and have it shipped for me.

Let me see if my peeps in the uk can make a plan for me.

Are there any guides to drop a 265 or 225 motor into a clio 182 as those engines are available over here.
