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Audio Gurus Help! What Do U Make Of This:

i after a good cd player as mine is pants lol

ive seen this Pioneer DEH-P9800BT:

i like the idea of the bluetooth (i dont have a car kit)

i was just wondering what people thought of this unit and also if anyone can recommend any other player?

also, will this one link straight up to my i-pod or do i need to buy an adapter (soz im crap with technology lol)


  1.6 focus zetec....
Even so that is the dogs bollox and if you get it i hate you.......

.....only joking :clown:

Ive got the one down from this and the things you can do on it are amazing....either pioneer or alpine for me mate....

kiza1986 said:
Even so that is the dogs bollox and if you get it i hate you.......

.....only joking :clown:

Ive got the one down from this and the things you can do on it are amazing....either pioneer or alpine for me mate....


have you got the bluetooth on it? is it any good?
  1.6 focus zetec....
Yeah ive got bluetooth....easy to use and if you do a lot of talking then yes it is very helpfull....i wouldnt buy another HU without it....

  1.6 focus zetec....
Connect to the head unit via bluetooth and make calls through it...there voice will come through the speakers...and you can eitha speak into your phone thats on the dash or w.e or put a little microphone in and talk into that...

  Clio 172mk2
well ive got the older version one

basically depending on yer fone , itll show u that yer fones connected to it, and what the signal strenth is

send yer fone contacts to head unit
the head unit displays the name / numebr calling u
u can answer the calls or make calls
the music pauses whilst yer talking the resumes after
all in all pritty good and handy for long jurneys or times u know yer guna get a call when yer in car.

i dont leave me bluetooth on all time on fone , but its only 2 button preses on fone and its connected.

ye u get a mic provided , mines on the sun visor , its sup to u where u have it though ,
