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Auto Finesse product test - Iron Out and Spirit


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Thank you AutoFinesse is the first thing I need to say.

Just to give a bit of background so everyone knows where I am in the car cleaning ranks. I love a clean car but like most people I rarely find the time to spend a whole day doing the million steps to get a flawless finish. I have never used an auto finesse product so it's a new brand to me; starting neutral. There are a few products I've used but it's mainly the stuff from halfords. Wash, clay, wax is my ideal. Usually it's wash and dry though.

The car. Is my daily Clio DCI which gets driven to London several times a week where I park it in a tree lined road, to Bournemouth every few weeks and down to the sussex coast once a month. If wax is going to get a test its on this car. I do relatively high mileage on every type of road from farm tracks to fresh motorway (which I'm sure will be caked in road salt very soon). Claude has done 120k and is all original paint, some therefore is in good condition and some is stone chipped.

I wash the car weekly with dodo juice super natural concentrate and dry it with a wacking great microfibre. I have clayed the car only about 2 weeks ago and hence you can see the iron out didn't have much to play with.


On with the review

Both types of product I have never used before.

An "iron out" type product is something I wanted to try for a long time.

I wanted to run a fair test so bought a test pot of DJ Super natural hybrid; something I have also never used before so have no preconceptions. Having done some reading it would be a good comparison. Applied on a 50:50 line straight down the car. Spirit on the drivers side and DJ on the passengers. I have never used hard wax so it was all new and comparison was easy.

Start - 1 dirty car


Pressure wash and shampoo left him like this.



I then started on the test, Iron Out said to start with a dry car and leave to dwell for 3-7 minutes depending on the temperature. I opted for 7 minutes as it was quite chilly today. As said I clayed the car only a couple of weeks ago.

Application, the product is viscous which leads to very good adhesion on the panel whilst leaving to react. As I received the product in a sample bottle I had to use my own spray head. I found because it was thick it meant I had to have a very fine spray head to get good coverage. My recycled AG head made it squirt more than mist. My again recycled ecover spray head worked much better. Because the product is thick you also get through it quite quickly. I had to be careful to get a whole coat on the car and if I were to purchase some would be concerned about how many whole car applications I would get per bottle.

This aside it worked fantastically and got to bits I couldn't even see with my eyes. It was easy to get off and I could see in the wash off the extra containments it was removing. Having never used a product of this type before I was pleasantly surprised.




Dirty wash off





I then clayed the car using a turtle wax bar from a kit in Halfords. A little more came off but not much due to the recent clay.

Wax time

Firstly the smell. Absolutely wonderful, the insects came out of hibernation to pollinate the paint after. I can't put my finger on what it smells like but I know it's something I love (Sweeties)

I found the wax went on very easily and a small amount covered a large area. It was easier to apply than the DJ as it's a little softer and left more of a mark so you could see where you'd applied (this is surprisingly difficult on a silver car). Upon removal it came off easily and left less residue than the DJ. Neither were difficult to remove or apply but the AF was better.

AF application


This shows the side which has AF on. Passengers side has no wax at this point. AF allowing the flake to work it's magic.




I found the AF gave a beautiful finish. A very deep shine which is difficult to pick up with a camera. It bought out the metallic flake very nicely which I hope you can see below.

The only niggle I found was that on the the slightly worse condition paint it was a little more difficult to rub off when dry (I missed a bit on the rear 1/4 as well which came off with relative ease)

My car smells wonderful this evening though and looks spectacular for a DCI!


Unfortunately it got a little dark tonight to get any really good finished item photos so I'll get them up tomorrow. Enjoy for now :)


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Slight delay due to the 'orrible weather. I managed to get a second coat of both waxes on. A little more thinking whilst applying. I do get through the AF quicker than the DJ. This however does have advantages. It's easier to see on the car and is substantially easier to buff off. I seems to have a problem with the DJ yesterday where it was causing sticky blobs on the car. I applied it in exactly the same manor as the AF. These took quite a bit of elbow grease to get off.

The AF does leave slightly whiter marks than the DJ when accidentaly going over onto the plastic bits.

This is the finished product (AF side). Sorry the photos aren't the best but I'm currently not home in the peak of day light.





Finally a beading shot. You can clearly see the line down the centre of the car. AF producing a far finer bead which I assume is good however you will have to tell me if I am wrong. It visually pleased my eyes more :)



ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
I find the DJ is almost to hard to make it easy to use although I have got through it at a much slower rate. It really was the buffing off that surprised me, do 2 panels, wipe the first off, cover another, wipe the oldest etc. The DJ seems to take quite a bit longer to dry but unfortunately I couldn't see when it had as the layer is very thin.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Good evening everyone. Unfortunately I haven't had any spare time at home in daylight to wash the car to see the performance. I did however manage to grab this as I left this morning. Both acting very similarly in the frost. I wouldn't however expect a difference. I thought it was a nice shot. The car is getting rather dirty now (for me) so tomorrow afternoon should be a good test of how well the dirt comes off and how each of them sheet with the jet washer.

Photos of that tomorrow.


Today I received an air freshener and some unreleased Dresser interior and exterior trim protection. I have never heard of a product that does both before so will be interested by how this performs. The car does still have a fair amount of plastic so will go up against AG Bumper care on the outside and nothing on the inside. I'm afraid I don't have an interior dressing product so I will 50/50 the interior and see what added protection, colour enhancement and dust protection it offers. Photos to follow shortly again.

Normally I am not one to like air fresheners and usually vomit at the smell but I'll give it a spin and abandon my preconceptions here. In the car hanging up for the night so I can encounter the first wall of wiff tomorrow morning. Smell ya later.



ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Auto Finesse Update time

Sorry guys, been rather busy the last few days. Finally got a chance to wash the DCI yesterday.

Performance, I have still been noticing tighter beading on the AF than the DJ which is nice to see. I've done about 1000 miles since the wax was put on.

I noted this last time but the AF has a much quicker dry time than the DJ. This is much better as it means the instructions on the packaging as spot on. I have used the DJ to cover my neighbours car and I'd waxed the whole car and the first panel still wasn't dry. That was a real pain time wise.

The DJ seemed to allow dirt to come off easier with the pressure washer than the AF

Now the car is washed (no pics sorry it's too rainy to get a camera out) the AF has held it's shine amazingly and hasn't dulled at all. The DJ is a little less spectacular.


Dressle and air freshener review to follow this weekend. Air freshener is in the car at the moment and I'm asking everyone that gets in for their opinions on the wiff.
