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Barron enjoying some fresh air.

  B/G 182 + PH1 Track
Took these today, not great i think i was using way to low apature, only realised when i got home though.

Barron really enjoyed himself on some roads that he'd never been on before.










Thanks /Adrian
loving this one....


actually looks like you've gone sideways from the bridge lol..... photoshop of lots of tyre smoke needed ;)
  Clio Sport 172
nice shots mate

were did you get your license plates from? and have you painted the front grill black?
  B/G 182 + PH1 Track
What camera Barron? Cant access exif on this laptop,is it embedded?

Using a 350D, with a 28-105 sigma lense (Much prefer my 75-300 sigma but was no good for these shots)
Was using really low apatures, between 7.1 - 9.5, had a shutter speed of between 60 - 200. ISO was set to 100. was also fiddleing with white balance i found that using the pre set white balance for "flash" gave some cool results.
  330Ci Sport Convertible
Ahh i would have gone for a nifty with an extender maybe. I have that Sigma lens and the 200 one and find them to be extremley versatile.
  B/G 182 + PH1 Track
I only have the canon set lense, a sigma 75-300 zoom and the 28-105.

I am toying with buying a 10-20 atm, my parents are in spain and can get one in Gibraltor for £250, i want one but also can not justify it atm. :<
