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Battery query

Scott S

ClioSport Club Member
  172 Flamer & ER-6F
I have searched for 'bigger battery' but didn't find what I was looking for.

This isn't actually for my Clio, but is a general battery query so thought i'd see if anyone can help me.

Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question to some but....

Can I put a 590amps 72ah battery onto a car that currently has a 200amps, 42ah battery?

Do I need to find anything else out about the batterys before I can get an answer? Will the bigger battery just blow fuses?

It's for my lass' car, the battery doesn't like the cold and appears to be on it's way out. I have a good battery from my proton just sitting in the garage that I am hoping to use. The battery looks like it will physically fit, just need to know if it'll be ok.
  RSC 182 Cup
***** Double check the battery terminals (positive and negative) are in the right positions before connecting the terminals!

Scott S

ClioSport Club Member
  172 Flamer & ER-6F
Thanks for the replies, will be changing this over today. I had heard of people putting bigger batterys on Mini's (when I had a Mini) but wasn't sure if there were any specific/reccomended parameters to work within.
np's, got myself a bosch S5 610A 63Ah.
I was asking because I was wondering if a bigger battery could be put in, and it can :)
