looks mint wat tyer shine isit?
awesome matey
...enjoy your first roundabout though! looks pretty dangerous actually
Its the sidewalls you have to worry about, have you ever seen a tyre under load going round a bend?????? Tyre gel/cleaner is dangerous full stop!!!!!
Its the sidewalls you have to worry about, have you ever seen a tyre under load going round a bend?????? Tyre gel/cleaner is dangerous full stop!!!!!
Must admit I did go overboard with tyre gel stuff, don't usually do this :dapprove:
Must admit I did go overboard with tyre gel stuff, don't usually do this :dapprove:
dont be upset, think a clean car without tyre shine doesnt stand out as much as one with it on!
has it worn off yet?
daz because of you iam putting my wheels on next sat lol looks good mate