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Been in a RTA this morning... :\

  ITB BG 182
My car was hit from the rear by a motorcyclist this morning in Nottingham just before 7am at about 40mph.

I was approaching the lights anticipate them to turn red as they always do, then the lights started to change so I braked but as I looked in the rear view mirror I could see the bike coming towards me at a fast pace and tried to avoid it from hitting me.

Things just happened way too fast, by the time I got my foot off the brake pedal the bike had hit me and I rolled about 40-50ft forward.

His bike did a total forward front flip and landed on him, I called 999 straight away and had to stop several people from trying move the man or his bike, some one wanted to remove his helmet but I advised them not too.

I feel sick to the gut and just shaking like an A hole....

Now I await the repercussions oh this morning....
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  ITB BG 182
Biker was in screaming agony, when the ambulance arrived they gave him some sort of gas in a blue bottle that calmed it down but still hear the screams now.

Im phyically fine but just shaking and feel sick.
  Arctic Blue 182 FF
Dont beat yourself up,he should of anticipated the lights/stopping distances depending on the conditions etc and i am a lifelong biker so not anti biker,hope hes ok though
It must be a horrible feeling. Hope the biker is ok.

Sounds like it wasn't your fault though mate. Hope everything works out for both parties involved.
  ITB BG 182
Nope, not a chav. Hes a 44 year old man...

I wish him a speedy recovery but still cant help but think it was my fault even tho mates and other people say it wasnt.
Even if there was absolute NOTHING that you could have done to avoid it, you would still end up blaming yourself, it's human nature when these things happen.

If it only happened this morning, just take it as easy as you can today, try to do nothing as shock may set in at any time. Try not to be alone if you can help it aswell, the mind can do horrible things when something like this has happened.

Best regards to the biker though, hope he makes a full recovery.

Full marks to you stopping people doing anything though, feels wrong, but the right thing to do.

Feeling for you mate.


ClioSport Club Member
  Q8 E-Tron
I'm a rider mate, not your fault he simply didn't prepare for the actions that you (or anyone else) may be taking at a junction, he probably ASSUMED that you were going to go through the junction. To assume is the worst mistake to make as a biker.
Nope, not a chav. Hes a 44 year old man...

I wish him a speedy recovery but still cant help but think it was my fault even tho mates and other people say it wasnt.

Seems odd not for him to anticipate the lights then surely he had plenty of experience, either way dont worry you were abiding the laws of the road stopping at the lights, as said the mind can make you feel s**t/churned up, find something to do, even if it's to just go on the ps3/Xbox take your mind off it


ClioSport Club Member
  mk8Fiesta ST,172 cup
the fact he was screaming in agony is most likely a good thing, if he was that badly injured he wouldnt feel much, or even worse he wasnt moving/making any noises. sounds like he was too close or too fast or bit of both. not your fault mate, unless u slammed on the brakes and the lights were green.
the fact he was screaming in agony is most likely a good thing, if he was that badly injured he wouldnt feel much, or even worse he wasnt moving/making any noises. sounds like he was too close or too fast or bit of both. not your fault mate, unless u slammed on the brakes and the lights were green.

my thoughts exactly.

hope your ok john, your a good lad, i know you'll naturally beat yourself up but its no way your fault that.

you'll be ok gradually, full of shock hormones at the moment.
the fact he was screaming in agony is most likely a good thing, if he was that badly injured he wouldnt feel much, or even worse he wasnt moving/making any noises.

absolutely, that's something they teach you as part of casualty/incident assessment, noisy casualtys are a much lower priority than silent ones.

No way at all that this is your fault John, don't even question it.
  Evo 5 RS
Exactly, feeling is good! Hope you both pull through it ok, sounds like it was totally his fault and he wasn't paying attention. Either that or he was way way too close!
Damn as long as you are both alive mate that's the main thing! you should be fine as it wasn't your fault stay calm make a brew try and take your mind off it and RTA is an abundant word now it has to be RTC (Road Traffic Collision) As it's never an accident someone is always at fault/blame

  ITB BG 182
What state was the car/bike in? Did he hit you at speed?

Front wheel is slightly buckled on the bike, i punched the dent out on the bumper of my car but the brackets are broke on the P/S near the wheel. Will deffo need a respray. I would guess at around 25-35mph that it happened.

Can not see any further damage at the mo to the car but then again I have not really looked.

Just trying to find the time to get the car looked at further and also get the bumper into a body shop for a respray and then the rear door as and when I can have time off work.

My shoulders and back ache a little but I think thats from over loading at the gym last night, trying for hero lift rather than the accident.

Ive heard nothing back from the Police with regards to the rider at the moment.
  ITB BG 182
The police officers asked me what happened but didnt write owt down, one thing that asked a few times was did I roll forward over the line or was i still trying to brake at the time, I said that I was just bringing my foot off the pedal as he hit me.


ClioSport Club Member
Sounds nasty John! Can only echo other's comments on here - sounds like there was no way you did anything wrong.
  ITB BG 182
Just to give a little update, been intouch with the Police officer dealing with this incident.

The bike rider is ok apart from a broken femur bone that has had to be pinned - Wish I didnt bother phoning but least he aint disabled or even worse.


ClioSport Club Member
  mk8Fiesta ST,172 cup
not too bad then. ride a bike thats the risk u take if u come off it, dangerous things.
Don't wanna start anything with any of the biking enthusiasts on here but the standard of motorcycle riding, particulary during commuting times, is disgusting. Cutting cars up, undertaking and riding bumpers most are still lucky to be alive. Cars are a danger to bikers? Bikers are a danger to themselves.

But obviously i cannot assume the chap in mention falls into the above stereotype.
  S3 Sportback, Ninja
TBH most of my friends will go out on bikes for 1 reason and 1 reason only, for a thrash. I wouldn't particually want to commute on my bike as having to deal with car drivers half asleep on their way to work. I previously sold my CBR 600 to upgrade to an R1 and the bloke who bought it will be using it every day and doesn't even own a car, he has been knocked off about 5 times he was saying.
Don't wanna start anything with any of the biking enthusiasts on here but the standard of motorcycle riding, particulary during commuting times, is disgusting. Cutting cars up, undertaking and riding bumpers most are still lucky to be alive. Cars are a danger to bikers? Bikers are a danger to themselves.

But obviously i cannot assume the chap in mention falls into the above stereotype.

+1 The standard of riding from the majority of bikers i see is very poor.
