Jacko's and Wick's look lush!!!!
wicks is like a mirror with wheels
Subtle? :dapprove:
Okay. Most pictures in here look like they were taken by Stevie Wonder, using a SE T68i (and camera attachment) of a car that had broken down and I am in fear of how we'll ever get enough decent images to fill next years calendar.
Is that better?
LEEMJONES... Awesome pic man!! The paint looks amazing!
b00tiful Mr Jones.
One of these, probably.
Got a few:
blast from the past! i remember my one. never had the camera attachment thoughusing a SE T68i (and camera attachment)
i want that clio cup reg plate....its got my initials!
i want that clio cup reg plate....its got my initials!
It's about the only pic i ever post but still love this one of mine: