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Best way to polish plenum and fuel rail?

  Titanium 182
I gave my engine a good buff the other day for the Reigate meet, and I've now caught the bug and want my inlet and fuel rail to be just as shiny as my pipes (air con! :p).

What's the best way to go about it? I was thinking of a bit of wire wool and autosol - any better ideas though? I was also thinking of getting a dremel, as this would speed the process up some what! Give me some ideas! :D
  Black Gold Trophy
you need to take the texture off it first mate, professional polishers use a combination of dremels and rotary sanders to get the casting marks off it then polish it up with a buffing wheel. I started doing my spare one, then lost interest and contacted a firm in ashford about doing it they quoted me £165!:eek:
  Burg 172-Charge Ti Duster
I did mine the other night with a £30 Halfrauds detail sander, the results were pretty awesome and no ball ache involved! Polished off with 2 coats of autosol.

I admit I didnt go down too far witht he sander in case I damaged the inlet in any way, still got 1 or 2 dimple marks, but i can live with that!


  Titanium 182
That looks tidy, not overly shiney, but very tidy! Almost a brushed aluminium look :)

I've bought a dremel thing from Halfords on Monday night, which I've polished all the raised lettering with so far. Didn't take long, but it does need some finishing polishing on it!
