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Black 182

  PH Quick
Whats the best stuff for removing all the scratches from my car. None of them are major just there are quite alot of them.

Do i go down the T cut route or is there something better?

Can anyone recommend a good wax/polish for the car?

Cheers All
OK has to be the 75th thread on black cars this week ;)

NOOOOOOOOO to Tcut!!!!!!

If you want the car look new again, suggest getting someone to Machine Polish it for you as this will remove all of the scrathes on the surface.

If you are aiming at certain bad scratches, I recommend Meguiars Scratch X.

Wax is personal choice, good starter is P21s (now called R222) or Collinites 476 as a good hard wearing wax.

If you are polishing the car by hand, try Auto Glym (AG) Super Resin Polish (SRP).

Don't forget to seal the paint work once you have polished it.
youd be best using a filler heavy polish on black unless your going to opt to have it PC'd, like JD said SRP is good by hand and will cover some with a few passes.

Regards to sealing, the SRP and EGP combo is great for beginners. There are a million different sealants out there, Jetseal and carlack are also pretty good.
I despise filler polishes, but I guess I am a detailing geek so it's a different kettle 'o' fish.
I found Megs Scratch X worked well. It takes some effort by hand but with a portable polisher the results are much better. Me and a mate on here are attemping to PC our car's on the wekend so I'll take some picutres of the before and after to show you the difference it'll make.
  Black Gold Trophy
I went over mine for ages with a sonus cutting pad and megs ultracut 105, and it got rid of all the swirls but the scratches wouldnt come out :(
