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Black and green ex-extreme 1.2 16v

You aren't coming now?! If you can't drive your car there, get a lift with someone? You'll never see the flamer otherwise ;)

Nope after buying the bits to get the car running I have 20quid to my name to last me to the first... Have a look in things I don't like mate

And I promise you now that once the s**t heap is finished I intend on going cross country to meet a few specific members and see their cars and visa versa :)
Are you going fcs? If not we are meeting at some point. Abit gutted you're not going tbh. I expect gay comments lol
Fingers crossed for fcs! I'm gonna get another ph2 bumper trim to smooth. Seen it on another car and fancy it. Smooth front ftw
It is mate.

And Spinks wtf :( have you already got a ticket? If so I'd definitely consider catching a lift with another member. Or hitchhike?

I was looking forward to seeing the new updates on this mate :(

I have 2 tickets lol, and don't know anyone local well enough to even ask for a lift mate... More so when I couldn't give them anything towards petrol :/

I will be attending other shows later this year and as said will be doing short tours to visit certain members ;)

Have a read in things I don't like mate it is all explained in there
Oh yeah didn't think about petrol money.

Shame that mate! :/ I'm driving up to Doncaster as well on Thursday to pick my gf up from the airport. If it was at a decent time I could've come and had a nosey :p

I'll have a read of the other thread now.
About 2 o'clock. In the morning. So I guess it's actually a Friday lol.

Just read your 'things I don't like'. I'm kind of in the same boat. - Made sure there was some in stock, paid for it (over a week ago now) still nothing. :(

Mine should be turning up today hopefully but everything that went wrong stripped all my money....

And if it was daylight hours I would have met you mate :)
Still no updates?! Are you coming fcs?

Sorry mate, progress/money has been a little right over the past month trying to keep her on the road....

After having to replace the engine and gearbox recently; I had to replace the key/ECU/UCH/lockset after my key died :/

At current I am just waiting for payday to buy some filler/paint/vinyl to do the bumper and wrapping but am currently debating whether I should wrap the full car matte black instead of bits....

Come pay day I need to buy/do:

*Thumb Grips for my sport steering wheel which will also need fitting

*filler for bumper

*paint for bumper

*matte black wrap

*a full buff with a DA buffer to sort some bits out before the wrap

*lower the front more

And that should see her finished!! Not counting a cup spoiler and drivers side Recaro obviously ;)

Don't think I will be going FCS mate, she is soo close to completion I don't want too many people from these sorts of scenes seeing her half-baked when I can have her finished next month! (May just need to hit up Ryan for some help painting to speed s**t up -Derv Destroyer)

As always opinions and comments on plans

Pics at current:



Lights and tow strap ruin it for me.. Other than that it aint bad..

Thanks :3

For the masses that follow this thread I am currently in talks with Andy (Snappy) for a wheel re-trim ;) and I am intending on finishing the pain in the arse this month!!!! (Starting 1st of August)

Im afraid the lights will be staying mate, though once the front bumper is done I may take the tow strap out and just keep it in the boot to avoid bastardising the lower grille :)

I seriously need to find someone local-ish to me with a DA buffer though unless I decide to just wrap the full car in matte black instead of the bonnet etc... Getting fed up of certain bits that are far from perfect and don't have the time to keep re-spraying bits every time someone t***s the car and drives off without telling me :/
Lol - just found this thread for the first time..
Read the first 4/5 pages and everyone hating (for the right reasons) but then skipped to the end and it looks like you saw the light and now have a nice car!

Minus the rear lights though.
  Renault Clio DCI 100
Just read through some of your build man liking where its got to, alot better from where it started!! Love the front lip what is it off of?
