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Blast from the past - Windows XP - Free games/education stuff?


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Hey so they were throwing out an XP laptop at work. I got my hands on it, restored the OS to a blank build, and plan on giving it to the kids to play around with/destroy. Thinking there might be some stuff I can chuck on there for my 4 & 6 year olds to use? Freeware/shareware websites etc? I'm a bit out of touch with it.

I must have my old games like Quake & Command and Conquer at my mums, going to have to find out what I have! Not really appropriate for the kids though.

They love playing around in Paint for now anyway :D


ClioSport Club Member
I f**king loved Sim Tower when I was 6-7, wonder if that was an XP game?

Negative, it was released in 1994... f**k me thats s**t. Was still brilliant though.


ClioSport Club Member
I built a retro gaming machine for me and my daughter, we enjoy going up the town and buying games from CEX, loads of 90s and 2000s games for £1 on a half shelf at the back of the store!! loads of forgotten gems!

EDIT: As per the RC Car thread, there is probably a lot more time and money invested from my behalf than her...


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
omg its as amazing as I remember:

ie) its properly s**t but also fantastic

What is this website!? Wow. Just searched for my all time favourite 16 bit game, Mega lo Mania, and now I'm ready to lose the rest of the evening...


ClioSport Club Member
What is this website!? Wow. Just searched for my all time favourite 16 bit game, Mega lo Mania, and now I'm ready to lose the rest of the evening...

Wait…. What………

Oh s**t. That’s tomorrow gone then, luckily it’s going to be raining 😂

”We’re running out of elements!”


ClioSport Club Member
I remember playing Binman in primary school as a kid, had it installed on the school computers, don't remember it being educational, but it was strangely fun for a game about bin collecting. I'm sure that must be abandonware now that you can download somewhere.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Wait…. What………

Oh s**t. That’s tomorrow gone then, luckily it’s going to be raining 😂

”We’re running out of elements!”

Ha, quality, another fan. I do do random quotes from it still sometimes. Camp mode engaged: "No I don't think sooo"

Do you know the cheat code to get the space/flying game within it?
