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Blood from a stone (O2 renewals)

Anyone had any joy getting anything out of O2 lately? Better half’s contract is up for renewal but the tariffs have changed since she signed up, essentially now she would get less than she had before (£20 contract) but would have to pay an extra £5 for the privilege. Armed with the latest tariffs from Vodafone (which are a lot better) she tried O2 and they had no interest in matching other networks (even though she only wanted the Sony Ericsson C702, not exactly a new/expensive phone) and basically told her she was free to leave. Tried Carphone Warehouse and Phones4U and they both said they couldn’t get any deals out of O2 as they were only pushing the iPhone and not too fussed about anything else.

Only problem is she wants to stick with O2 as pretty much everyone we know (and me) have O2 phones.
I'm in the same position, o2 wouldn't budge for me. I found that most of the others are offering better, so it looks like i'll have to go with them.

I'm paying £40 month for anytime 500 from them, my phone is two years old now (a crappy n73) I want better tbh.
  LY R26 230 F1 Team
i got loads from 02
the online service is apalling tbh...
i've now got (for £20 pcm)
600 mins x-network
Actual unlimited texts
Gold insurance

and two shiney new sony ericsson C902's =]

complain and ask to talk to a manager!!!!
^ I did all that & they didn't care. The deals they offered me were awful, plus they were really pushing 18 & 24 month contracts on to me.
When I asked for a nokia n95 8 gb, they tried to charge me £300 for it (that was about six months ago)


ClioSport Club Member
  Q8 E-Tron
f**k them, cancel and go somewhere else

Ask for your MAC code, they usually give you a decent deal then
  LY R26 230 F1 Team
Problem with 02 is they have the best network coverage (using bt's old one)
But, customer service is apalling.

I basically ranted on at them told them how I'd been a loyal customer for so long and recieved appalling service, told them what other deals where about, it's only when i rang up to cancel my contract they took me seriously.

So ring up saying you want to cancel because your moving to another network, if they ask "are you sure? can i put you through to retentions?" then thats when they take you seriously.

FYI: It's always best to renew your contract just before the close of the financial year, because 02 have a lot of budget left to spend on free mins, new handsets etc.
if they dont spend them, then they get less budget next year...
  Revels Mum & Sister
I have never got a good Renewal deal to be honest I am a fairly light user hence I dont really care about keeping a number so just go with whoever has the best deal for the Handset I want
  Titanium 182
Wonder how three will be when I renew :S I think I might just keep my N95 and get it unlocked + one of those pay as you go sims xD
o2 online deals have been pretty good but I've not had too many problems with the service.

I could get cheaper though so I'm tempted to move...
I'm not on a contract anymore, i'm just 'rolling along' according to them. If I want to take out a new one the deals are awful (I mentioned what they were offering earlier on) I only want a year contract too.

Its PAC fella.

Unless you want to try and call someone with a router...
I lol'd @ mac code.
  CLIO172, BMW3, 3061.
I used to work for o2 - o2 have a call centre near Runcorn dedicated to customers who spend more. You are automatically diverted to that call centre if ur a higher spender. If your not diverted to that centre they probably don't care to keep you as a customer. o2 is q.s**t tbh
I used to work for o2 - o2 have a call centre near Runcorn dedicated to customers who spend more. You are automatically diverted to that call centre if ur a higher spender. If your not diverted to that centre they probably don't care to keep you as a customer. o2 is q.s**t tbh
How much do you have to spend per month ?

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
I got loads back in August.

Unlimited O2 to O2 calls,
400 anytime any network minutes
2000 texts
6500 slide phone

£15 a month! Basically half price with a few wee extras chucked in!
  BMW E46 330i Touring
I'd imagine by 'higher spender' this would be business accounts worth thousands, not a £60/month tariff...
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
I HATE speaking to O2 when you want to get a new deal. I actually had to think hard to leave Orange for my main contract, but I wanted the data plan with the iPhone and there's nowhere else to get it but o2.
  CLIO172, BMW3, 3061.
I'd imagine by 'higher spender' this would be business accounts worth thousands, not a £60/month tariff...

Business accounts have their own floor in that call centre. O2 and other mobile phone companies make their money when you go over your allowance. so for example 600 mins 600 texts £30 a month, but then you go over your allowance and you may make only a few peak calls for a total of 60mins @ 20p per min. Straight away you've added £12.00 on ur bill. If you had a £60 tariff you may be given 2000 mins untld texts and you are less likely to go over therefore you are not a high spender.


600 mins 600 text = £30
+ you go over allowance by 2 hours = £24
total = £54 your a high spender.

or even on the lower tariffs....
200 mins 200 texts = £20
+ you go over allowance by 2 hours = £24
total - £44

ding ding ding!!!! another high spender.

thats how it works
  BMW E46 330i Touring
A call centre dedicated to that!?! They need a restructure...

But, yeah I get you. I never go anywhere near my allowance each month - am seriously tempted to just keep my phone and pick up a free PAYG sim. I get addicted to gadgets though...
  CLIO172, BMW3, 3061.
I think it works out quite lucrative to be honest - o2 is money hungry lol but I don't regret working for them good thing is you get to take home the latest phone when they come out which has now made me bored of them. I do have the iphone now but once it goes bust I'll have anything.

Plus (and this might piss u all off) im still on the staff plan £10 a month 1000 mins 1000 texts + utld internet and wifi.

o2 did have its perks :)
She gave them a call last night, got pissy and came away with the her same £20 tariff, a new phone for free (C702 - the one she wanted), had her monthly text allowance bumped up to 1000 (from 300), unlimited 02-02 calls and a load of extra minutes...result.

Conclusion: forget O2 shops, just phone them direct.
O2 have been great with me...

I now get 800 anytime, any network minutes and 2000 text messages for £15 per month :D

Next week I am going to call with regards to upgrading to an iPhone 3G!!!
I some how doubt I will be able to keep my current package lol
  3 x Renaults + Lexus
Vodafone are doing £35.00 per month (x18 months) for Blackberry Storm Free phone with 600 mins unlimited internet and text. Just got 2 for work and they are pretty good the screen in amazing and the push screen tech is good..

However mine developed a broken button upon using the Vodafone case

Also MAC codes are for moving ADSL accounts
