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Bloody iPhone's!!!!!!

  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Suppossed to be state of the art, they could drive a person insane. They have full signal then won't sent a text message for 5 minutes. The Internet connection that for 5 minutes works great then nothing, cave men had better Internet connection. They completely shut off needing a reset whenever they fancy. It's 2009 and I think phones are made worse than they ever were.
Any1 else get these problems or any other ones.
Cheers rant over.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Yeah but f**king annoying when the shittest phone on the Market could do the same thing most of the time like work. LOL
  Citroen DS3 DSport
No I can honestly say I don't have problems with sending texts or internet access caused by the iPhone. o2 on occasion mess things up.


  04 Clio 16V Dynamique
Lol. First I've heard of this. I'm software unlocked. No Problems! Love it to bits!!But I think your problem may lie with the firmware? I'm sure someone will confirm
  Clio1.2 16v & LR Defender
I got an iPhone, bets bit of kit ever, never had any probs with it and always nice and speedy :p
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Mine was fine at first, had it since they came out, cracks are starting to show. Maybe I should stop looking at so much p**n. Lol
Don't have any probs with texts (apart from not being able to forward) or net. My only gripe is calls, there sounds like interferance (sp) all the time on the line.
9.9 for stalking behaviour. 1 for the invalid comment. X < soften the blow.

10 for stalking me via text 100 times a day (usually).

No kiss. No blow to soften. It's fact. Like you've just text me right there...

Good day to you.

PS. You said "rant over" - thus suggesting it was a rant, therefore I grade your rant 3.2, which has now gone down to -0.5/10.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
10 for stalking me via text 100 times a day (usually).

No kiss. No blow to soften. It's fact. Like you've just txt me right there...

Good day to you.

PS. You said "rant over" - thus suggesting it was a rant, therefore I grade your rant 3.2, which has now gone down to -0.5/10.

I've never text you a hundred times a day, I'm lucky if I get a reply to 1 these days so I wouldn't waste my breath.
Once scores are in writing there set, no changies.
I've never text you a hundred times a day, I'm lucky if I get a reply to 1 these days so I wouldn't waste my breath.
Once scores are in writing there set, no changies.

My needmeter is reading off the scale.

That was my phone again... make it 101. LOL.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Can we stop making this the needster show again as there's allready enough in all the other threads. So iphone's ey. LOL
2G or 3G?

Mine can be a bit buggy at times but thats because I never turn it off and had thousands of texts stored. Give it a restart and delete some messages and it might help.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Don't know what jailbroken is and yeah it's upto date. Don't get me wrong it works it just seems to get itself muddled up alot.
Jailbroken is hacked/modded. But if you don't know what it is, its safe to say you havent done that! lol..

No idea mate. You could try some of the resets. Call Apple support. If its proper fucked they'll replace it. Wheres your nearest Apple store? Do you have the cool shops like Apple that far up North? ;)
Well o2 won't do s**t I'd imagine. Apple have 'Genius Bars' so they look at your phone there and then.

Apple support is very good. Plus you get to speak to someone with a hot irish accent :eek: they'll talk you through things to try and will replace it if needs be. Only took a week from the first phonecall to get me a new one, well a refurb but you'll never tell the difference.
We don't have one up here, closest is Manchester. Although I think Fenwicks/John Lewis have the counters, they probably won't be much use though.
