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Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Most of the cool cars in these video's come from Cali.
Sam assumed the video was shot in Cali.
It was filmed in Tennessee.
California is the on other side of the US to Tenessee.
  2.2 bar shed.
Cali, Hawaii, Tennessee or Redneck. Its all the same, they've all got a way better scene than here.
  Titanium 182
Most of the cool cars in these video's come from Cali.
Sam assumed the video was shot in Cali.
It was filmed in Tennessee.
California is the on other side of the US to Tenessee.

Precisely my point, thanks Luke! ;)

TN is south east in america, basically near Atlanta

Urm kinda... but anyway California is on the West coast, which is the total opposite end of to Tennessee, and also a very different place.

But agreed with Sam, the car scene destroys ours wherever you go in the US :eek:
