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  CTR EK9 turbo

Probably pretty quick id have thought. Especially off the line - rear wheel drive etc. I raced a 330i Z3 and got toasted off the line........

quick, i had to sit in while a guy test drove one at work, fcuk me could he drive too, very impressed, but the z4 3.0 will be better, cant wait til i get to play in that

gearboxes have been known to eat themselves.

BMW have a lkot of box trouble these days. Paul Mitchells old mans ate about 4 boxes ona newish 3 series if I remember correctly.

Not my cup of tea bit girly I think and not that fast for the cash.

Quote: Originally posted by Chris_H on 25 May 2003

gearboxes have been known to eat themselves.

BMW have a lkot of box trouble these days. Paul Mitchells old mans ate about 4 boxes ona newish 3 series if I remember correctly.

Not my cup of tea bit girly I think and not that fast for the cash.
sorry mate but thats poo, i work in the parts dept of a big BMW main dealer and its very rare that we see a gearbox replaced

fair enough i am only going by what I hear and see.

I had a 635 and its box was starting to go at 90k.

Paul Ms father has had his replaced and I knwo aof a few others who have just binned the cars due to the boxes killing themselves. These cars are onyl a few years old as well.

Always manuals, never the autos though.

i must admit i cant comment on individual cases but i see hundreds of BMWs a week and fom out of those have only seen one or possibly two g/boxes replaced this year
