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Boot Install How Much

Well ive been quoted £250 sounds fair enough to me any one else had any experience of this.

Basically the sub in one custom box across the back of the seats and the boot moulded around the arches in the boot and my amp in a false floor with a bit of perspex on top and a little splash of neon!

And fully trimmed in eithier the orginal grey carpet or black vinyl!

Is that a fair price?:confused:


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)


i did it for £70
  ICE'dberg MK2 172

Do it yourself. It really is very easy. It may take a while but worth it in the end.

Go to Halfords and browse through the Haynes Max Power ICE Modifying book and get loads of tips on how to do it....I did...check my install in the gallery.
  Abarth 595 Trufeo

Seems like a lot of money.

Does it include fitting the amp, etc as well?

I paid £135 to have a false wall built in my clio, fully covered in carpet and to have my 2 x changers, switching box, amp, fuses and headunit fitted.

I would shop around or do it yourself

In this months Revs magazine - they show you how to build a amp rack incl neons for less than £70.

Depends on quality really.

I paid around 200 to have a false floor put in the clio with the amp and sub fitted, this included sound proofing and a custom made box for the amp.

Sometimes its worth paying the extra if you know the place is going to do a good job.

cheer sguys cris172 your install is well tasty looks awsome.

Well i know the place i went to will do an awsome job as I have seen the other cars they have doen and they look good maybe i will have a bash at it though!;)
