I get abuse all the time too, cos I stick with Renaults through thick and thin. I love Renaults, have done since I was a nipper and always will. That said, Im a car nut through and through and have driven a lot of other cars, mainly mates cars and rentals etc. In Ireland Jap cars are big news these days with the majority being Honda Civics, and these guys just think that vtec is the greatest thing ever and then become complete tw*ts because of it. The first meet I pulled upto in my red Clio had most of them coming over and asking me was it the 2 litre Clio, and when I said no, they actually turned back and said sh!te like "oh well, looks like you will be back in the dealers tomorrow with a broken car then" or "those things cant handle for p*ss". My solution? I invited 3 of them to a spin as passengers to show them the handling. Granted I had my Eibachs in at this stage but still, the point was made!!
People have preconceptions about cars and wont change their minds until they actually drive or experience a car first hand. One chap flamed me on a forum when I posted pics of my last Clio saying it was a bag of rust and sh!te and that the car would be in the wall at the first sign of a corner cos they had terrible handling. I asked had he ever driven a Clio or worked on one and he said no, I would never touch them cos Ive heard horrible stories about them. I told him to f**k off because until he had driven one or worked on one his opinion was about as useful as a pothole :approve: