today i drove into a garage to get my brakes checked as they were making a bit of a clicky noise every so often..... after about £15 minutes the mechanic came out and said maam your car is very dangerous... both discs were cracked one of the calipers was jammed.......etc etc
in the end he gave me a quote for £860, to get it all fixed.... i could have cried. i am going to try source cheaper parts from somewhere because there is just no way i can afford that..... its 3months wages for me!!! (full time student and only work 11hours a week)
in the end he gave me a quote for £860, to get it all fixed.... i could have cried. i am going to try source cheaper parts from somewhere because there is just no way i can afford that..... its 3months wages for me!!! (full time student and only work 11hours a week)