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BT Broadband - WTF???

  Mito Sportiva 135
ANOTHER technology issue in my new place. Now BT claim I have already exceeded my monthly 10GB d/l quota - 15GB in 10 days apparently! I haven't downloaded a single song, film or game - just some basic browsing, streaming and 360 gaming. Nothing excessive at all.

How can this be possible??? Anyone else had anything like this??? No way should my use be at this limit and now they are trying to charge me £5 for every extra 5GB, so at this rate would be about an extra £20 p/m?!?!


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  500 Bhp Golf R 7.5
change your wireless password and you may have programs that are using your internet connection to download etc. without your knowledge. (may be worth running spybot/adaware also?)

BT dont get download usage wrong in all honesty, it's there in black and white IMO. I work for BT BTW :p.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Ok thanks mate I'll try that!

Worst case scenario though, say I ended up somehow using WAY more than my 10GB, would they cap it at the max. price (for the unlimited download package)?
  Listerine & Poledo
Ok thanks mate I'll try that!

Worst case scenario though, say I ended up somehow using WAY more than my 10GB, would they cap it at the max. price (for the unlimited download package)?

if they can charge for use beyod your limit, then expect them to do so, no limits
