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bt cack

the saga continues.....

to recap....

i pay to have a new line installed to improve internet speed from 0.2mb....

tests done prior to agreeing which confirms 4mb will be the speed

on phone to bt who say line will only handle 0.5mb.....

now going mental with some t**t


Their customer service is shocking to say the least. Trying to get someone to answer the phone is difficult and when they do they are of no use. The home hub is a piece of crap. I dispise them as company.

Probably like yourself, we had very few options due to our location.
been onto them for 41 minutes so far, they deny they said it would be 4mb so when i ask for the name of the person i soke to on the 20th december when i placed order they refuse to give me the a total loss and they say they are holding me to contract only when i said i have been mislead by your staff do i get put on hold again for them to discuss with a manager
  C63 PP,R1,,Clubman
When we moved house awile ago they cocked up and cancelld our connection without telling us, so rang up and said whats going on, they said sorry we made a mistake but well still be charging you even though you havent got internet :S .

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
Don't get me started on BT, pile of c**k sucking w**kers:mad: . 6 months it took them to fix our internet, and be warned if you don't ring every 48h they close the call down all the time. Never got any compo out of them and it took 4 engineers before we found one with a brain.
At the same time I think most ISP have crap CS, come to think of it most large organizations do. But BT have to be the worst:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  S4 Avant
we had our internet cut off for 2 months last year, and i eventually rang them to ask why this was, the guy replied with a shocked tone, that everything was fine, and our service was still being provided, he put me through to technical support. after being on hold for 2 and a half hours, i gave up.
went home later, to find that our internet had mysteriously come back... some one at BT must have forgotten to flick the switch, t***s

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
we had our internet cut off for 2 months last year, and i eventually rang them to ask why this was, the guy replied with a shocked tone, that everything was fine, and our service was still being provided, he put me through to technical support. after being on hold for 2 and a half hours, i gave up.
went home later, to find that our internet had mysteriously come back... some one at BT must have forgotten to flick the switch, tw*ts

Thats lucky, I could hear Virgin radio down our phone and they still kept trying to tell us there wasn't a problem and if there was it was to do with our setup, router/pc etc even though I work in IT and told them so:S
ive been with them 2years ish ive had problems paying the bill an ive been passed from operator to operator an spent hours on hold but ive never actually had any problems with the bb :eek: i must be lucky but im almost free my be is due on the 29th :D
call finally over....matter being referred to a "manager".....

they will listen to the call on the 20.12.2007 and get back to me...when feck knows....
  Clio 172
Hi mate, i had the same problem only was getting not even half a mb, when i was paying for up to 8mb, it takes the p*ss, i rang them up a number of times after getting really annoyed at there customer services after a while i finianly got them to send someone out and they did a test and changed the main plug point in are pc room to make it an offical some fat ass, bt ethernet and phone line jack in the wall then we could finnaly load 2 pages of internet explorer wow it felt like 20mb, then after coming after holiday i seem to hve 5.9mb acording to and some other speedtest websites, but ring them up and give me a full shout at and i just said to them if i dont get what i am supose to get then i will move internet provider, because on there sh*tt* small print at the bottom i never read, it says bt is has to give you a minium of half a mb according to the contract.

Good Luck


Hi mate, i had the same problem only was getting not even half a mb, when i was paying for up to 8mb, it takes the p*ss, i rang them up a number of times after getting really annoyed at there customer services after a while i finianly got them to send someone out and they did a test and changed the main plug point in are pc room to make it an offical some fat ass, bt ethernet and phone line jack in the wall then we could finnaly load 2 pages of internet explorer wow it felt like 20mb, then after coming after holiday i seem to hve 5.9mb acording to and some other speedtest websites, but ring them up and give me a full shout at and i just said to them if i dont get what i am supose to get then i will move internet provider, because on there sh*tt* small print at the bottom i never read, it says bt is has to give you a minium of half a mb according to the contract.

Good Luck



cheers mate, did you have to pay them to come out?
  Clio 172
Yes that was the really thing that got me angry, well i had to pay around £125 pounds to come out the first time and it stil wasnt working i complained and they send soemone out free of charge, but lucky for me my dads's mate, knew someone working for bt.

Thanks Mark

But if you say its realyl bad and your's does sound really bad then they shoudt charge you.
