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bullet colour scheme - not sure?

  Honda & VW
I'm getting some Kawasaki Green paint mixed up as i want to do my plastic engine cover.
But i'm thinking about doing the bullets also but not sure where to use the green.

Do i..

[A] paint the whole bullet KG, then do the writing in something like anthrasite.


paint the bullet in Anthrasite and simply do the lettering in KG?

anyone sh#t hot on photoshopping if i supply a photo?
  ibiza cupra
i would do the whole thing green then paint the writting in black. get some pics up though and im sure some one will do a ps on them.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Are they mk2 side strips?

If so, do them silver to match the car and do the letters in Kwaka green.
  Honda & VW
Are they mk2 side strips?

If so, do them silver to match the car and do the letters in Kwaka green.

Yeah they're Ph2 side strips/bullets so already Iceburg Silver. (tell a lie they're just the standard crome colour)
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  Honda & VW
As i haven't got PS so paint had to do....


  120d M Sport
You're right, I am missing the point...I don't get the whole lets paint our bullets/badges crazy colours at all. Best wishes with it
